Example Sentences

Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences

Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences | 50 Sentences of Shall In English
Written by Englishilm

Learn 50+ English sentences in the use of model verbs “Shall”. This lesson contains 50+ sentences of “Shall” in English. Learn this lesson and enhance your spoken English skills.

50 Sentences of Shall In English:

  1. Shall I cook dinner today?
  2. Let’s go by taxi, shall we?
  3. Shall we go out for a walk?
  4. Where shall we eat tonight?
  5. What shall we have for lunch?
  6. Shall I carry your bag for you?
  7. Shall they go now?
  8. Shall we begin now?
  9. He shall be punished.
  10. Shall I call Samuel back?
  11. Shall I drive you home?
  12. Well, what shall we do?
  13. What time shall I come?
  14. Shall I get you a wallet?
  15. Shall we go on vacation next week?
  16. When shall I come for you?
  17. Shall we go to the restaurant?
  18. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
  19. Shall we not go out?
  20. We shall see what we shall see.
  21. The truth shall set you free.
  22. He shall be punished.
  23. Shall I cook dinner for you?
  24. Let’s go early, shall we?
  25. As the tree falls, so shall it lie.
  26. Shall I close the door?
  27. As you sow, so shall you reap.
  28. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
  29. Shall I get you a bag?
  30. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
  31. The truth shall set you free.
  32. Shall I tell you what I think?
  33. Let’s go early, shall we?
  34. Shall I come next Sunday?
  35. Well, what shall we do?
  36. Shall he not come in?
  37. Shall we not eat dinner here?
  38. When shall we meet again?
  39. What shall I do with it?
  40. Where shall I hang this calendar?
  41. Shall I cook dinner today?
  42. Shall we go now?
  43. Ask and you shall receive.
  44. Shall I ask Peter for help?
  45. Shall I close the window?
  46. Shall we draw you a picture?
  47. What shall we do this evening?
  48. What time shall I call back?
  49. What time shall I pick you up?
  50. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences | 50 Sentences of Shall In English Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences | 50 Sentences of Shall In English

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Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences | 50 Sentences of Shall In English

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