English Vocabulary

A to Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English

A To Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English

Learn over 150 cooking terms and techniques from A to Z. This guide will help you understand essential kitchen vocabulary in English, making your cooking experience easier and more enjoyable. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of cooking terms to clear up any confusion and enhance your culinary skills.

Cooking Terms Vocabulary Words

Bake Broil Combine
Barbecue Brown Congeal
Beat Brush Cool
Bind Burn Core
Blacken Butterfly Cream
Blanch Can Cured
Blend Caramelize Cut
Boil Char Debone
Bone Char-broil Decorate
Braise Chill Deep fry
Bread Chop Deglaze
Brew Chunk Descale

A To Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English

Devil Fold Grease
Dice Freeze Grill
Dip French fry Grind
Dough Fricassee Hard boil
Drain Frost Harden
Drizzle Froth Hash
Dry Fry Heat
Escallop Garnish Hull
Ferment Gel Ice
Fillet Glaze Infuse
Flavor Grate Jell
Flip Gratin Juice

A To Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English

Julienne Pan-fry Preserve
Knead Parboil Process
Layer Pare Pulp
Leaven Peel Quarter
Measure Percolate Raw
Melt Pickle Reduce
Microwave Pit Refrigerate
Mix Poach Render
Mold Pop Rise
Oil Pour Roast
Oven fry Precook Roll
Overcook Prepare Rub

A To Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English

Salt Sieve Stir
Sauté Sift Stir fry
Scald Simmer Strain
Scallop Skewer Trim
Scoop Sliver Truss
Score Slow cook Turn
Scramble Smoke Uncured
Sear Snip Unmold
Shell Soak Warm
Shirr Soft boil Wash
Shred Souse Wedge
Shuck Sprinkle Whip
Whisk Zap Zest

A To Z Cooking Terms and Techniques Vocabulary In English