English Vocabulary

68 Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B

68 Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B

Learning all the animals names isn’t easy on one list. Here, I will share with you the 60+ animal names that start with the English letter B. Basically, the animals come in different types and categories. So, I decided to choose this method to share the easiest way to remember the names of animals.

In our vast world, there are thousands of different animals. They known by their name. Every animal has its own name. In this lesson, you are going to learn the 68 animal names that start with the English letter B. Without further ado, let’s begin:

Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B

Here’s a comprehensive list of all animal names that start with the English letter B, as there are millions of species on Earth:

  1. Baboon
  2. Badger
  3. Bald Eagle
  4. Balinese
  5. Banded Palm Civet
  6. Bandicoot
  7. Barb
  8. Barn Owl
  9. Barnacle
  10. Barracuda
  11. Basilisk
  12. Bass
  13. Bat
  14. Beagle
  15. Bear
  16. Bearded Collie
  17. Bearded Dragon
  18. Beaver
  19. Bedlington Terrier
  20. Beetle
  21. Bengal Tiger
  22. Bernese Mountain Dog
  23. Bichon Frise
  24. Binturong
  25. Bird
  26. Bird of Paradise
  27. Birman
  28. Bison
  29. Black Bear
  30. Black Rhinoceros
  31. Black Russian Terrier
  32. Black Widow Spider
  33. Bloodhound
  34. Blue Jay
  35. Blue Whale
  36. Bluetick Coonhound
  37. Bobcat
  38. Bolognese
  39. Bombay
  40. Bongo
  41. Bonito Fish
  42. Bonobo
  43. Booby
  44. Border Collie
  45. Border Terrier
  46. Borzoi
  47. Boston Terrier
  48. Bottlenose Dolphin
  49. Bowhead Whale
  50. Box Jellyfish
  51. Boxer
  52. Boykin Spaniel
  53. Brazilian Terrier
  54. British Shorthair
  55. Brown Bear
  56. Budgerigar
  57. Buff Orpington
  58. Buffalo
  59. Bull
  60. Bull Terrier
  61. Bulldog
  62. Bullfrog
  63. Bumblebee
  64. Burmese
  65. Burmese Python
  66. Butterfly
  67. Butterfly Fish
  68. Buzzard

Also learn: Animal Names That Start with the English Letter A

Information of Famous Animal Names that Start with the letter B

1. Baboon

Baboons are highly social primates found in Africa, particularly in savannas, open woodlands, and rocky areas. They inhabit countries like Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. Baboons can live up to about 30 years in the wild, with females typically outliving males.

2. Badger

Badgers are nocturnal mammals known for their burrowing habits. They live in underground burrow systems called setts and are found across Europe, Asia, and North America. Badgers can live up to 14–16 years in the wild.

3. Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is a symbol of the United States and is primarily found in North America, near large bodies of open water such as lakes and coastal areas. They build large nests in tall trees. Bald eagles can live up to 20–30 years in the wild.

4. Balinese

The Balinese is a breed of domestic cat known for its striking appearance and graceful movements. They enjoy living indoors and are often found in homes around the world. Balinese cats can live up to 12–16 years with proper care.

5. Banded Palm Civet

Banded palm civets are small, tree-dwelling mammals found in Southeast Asia, particularly in tropical forests. They have a varied diet and are known for their ability to climb trees with ease. Banded palm civets can live up to 15–20 years in captivity.

6. Bandicoot

Bandicoots are small to medium-sized marsupials native to Australia and nearby islands. They inhabit a range of habitats, from forests to grasslands. Bandicoots have a relatively short lifespan in the wild, typically living 2-5 years.

7. Barb

Barbs are small freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family. They are found in various regions worldwide, including Asia, Africa, and Europe. Barbs typically live in schools and can live up to 5-7 years in captivity.

8. Barn Owl

Barn owls are nocturnal birds of prey found on every continent except Antarctica. They prefer open habitats such as grasslands and agricultural areas. Barn owls can live up to 10-20 years in the wild, depending on various factors such as food availability and predation.

9. Barnacle

Barnacles are small crustaceans that live attached to hard surfaces in marine environments worldwide. They can be found on rocks, ship hulls, and even whales. Barnacles have a relatively long lifespan for their size, with some species living up to 10-20 years.

10. Barracuda

Barracudas are large, predatory fish found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. They inhabit coral reefs, mangroves, and open water. Barracudas can live up to 10-15 years in the wild.

11. Basilisk

Basilisks, also known as the Jesus Christ lizard for their ability to run on water, are native to Central and South America. They inhabit tropical forests and are excellent climbers and swimmers. Basilisks can live up to 7-10 years in the wild.

12. Bass

Bass are a group of freshwater and saltwater fish species belonging to the family Moronidae. They are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Bass prefer clear, warm waters and can live up to 10-12 years depending on the species and environmental conditions.

13. Bat

Bats are mammals known for their ability to fly. They are found worldwide in various habitats, from tropical rainforests to deserts. Bats can live exceptionally long lives compared to other mammals of their size, with some species living over 30 years.

14. Beagle

Beagles are a popular breed of small to medium-sized scent hounds known for their keen sense of smell. They are commonly kept as pets and are found in many countries around the world. Beagles typically live 12–15 years with proper care.

15. Bear

Bears are large mammals found across North America, Europe, and Asia. They inhabit diverse habitats, ranging from forests to tundra. Bears can have varied lifespans depending on the species and environmental factors, with some living up to 25–30 years in the wild.

16. Bearded Collie

Bearded collies are a breed of herding dog originating from Scotland. They are known for their long, shaggy coats and friendly demeanor. Bearded collies can live up to 12–14 years with proper care and attention.

17. Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are popular pet reptiles native to Australia. They inhabit arid and semi-arid regions and are known for their distinctive “beard” display. Bearded dragons can live up to 10–12 years in captivity with proper husbandry.

18. Beaver

Beavers are large rodents known for their ability to construct dams and lodges in freshwater habitats. They are found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Beavers can live up to 10-20 years in the wild, depending on various factors such as predation and habitat quality.

19. Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington terriers are a breed of small to medium-sized dogs originating from England. They are known for their unique appearance and energetic personalities. Bedlington terriers typically live 12–16 years with proper care.

20. Beetle

Beetles are a diverse group of insects found in almost every habitat on Earth. They play crucial roles in ecosystems as decomposers, pollinators, and predators. Beetles can have varying lifespans depending on the species, ranging from a few weeks to several years.

21. Bengal Tiger

Bengal tigers are iconic big cats native to the Indian Subcontinent. They inhabit a range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mangrove swamps. Bengal tigers can live up to 10–15 years in the wild, although their lifespan is often shorter due to threats such as poaching and habitat loss.

22. Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese mountain dogs are large, sturdy working dogs originating from Switzerland. They are known for their gentle demeanor and striking tricolored coats. Bernese mountain dogs typically live 7–10 years, although some may live longer with proper care.

23. Bichon Frise

Bichon frises are small, fluffy dogs known for their cheerful personalities. They originated in the Mediterranean region and are popular companion animals worldwide. Bichon frises typically live 12–15 years with proper care and attention.

24. Binturong

Binturongs, also known as bearcats, are carnivorous mammals found in Southeast Asia. They inhabit forests and are known for their prehensile tails and musky odor. Binturongs can live up to 20–25 years in captivity.

25 Bird

Birds are a diverse group of feathered vertebrates found in virtually every habitat worldwide. They range in size from tiny hummingbirds to large ostriches and play crucial roles in ecosystems as pollinators, seed dispersers, and predators. Lifespan varies greatly among bird species, with some living only a few years and others living several decades.

26. Bird of Paradise

Birds of paradise are a group of birds native to New Guinea and surrounding regions. They are known for their striking plumage and elaborate courtship displays. Birds of paradise inhabit tropical forests and can live up to 5-10 years in the wild.

27. Birman

Birmans are a breed of domestic cat originating from Burma (Myanmar). They are known for their striking blue eyes and color-pointed coats. Birmans typically live 12–16 years with proper care and attention.

28. Bison

Bison, also known as buffalo, are large mammals native to North America. They inhabit grasslands, plains, and forests and are an iconic symbol of the American West. Bison can live up to 15–20 years in the wild.

Common Animal Names that start with the letter B

Here’s a list of basic animal names that start with the letter B:

  • Bear
  • Bee
  • Bird
  • Bat
  • Butterfly
  • Buffalo
  • Baboon
  • Bull
  • Bunny (rabbit)
  • Badger
  • Beetle
  • Bullfrog
  • Bluejay
  • Bobcat
  • Barracuda
  • Bison
  • Bonobo
  • Barnacle
  • Boa constrictor
  • Barramundi

Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B Image

68 Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B

Animal Names That Start with the English Letter B

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