
An Application To The D.H.O For Opening A Dispensary In Your Area

An Application To The D.H.O For Opening A Dispensary In Your Area

Need better healthcare facilities in your area? This guide will help you write an application to the District Health Officer (D.H.O) to request the opening of a dispensary. Follow the easy steps and hints provided to effectively communicate your community’s needs.

Methods of Application Writing

Formal letters and application writing methods with easy and helpful points.

  1. Applications addressed to the officers pointed out to them some problems in social life.
  2. Formal letters

Note: Letters must discuss some problems.

  1. Instructions for Application Writing

The instructions given below should be strictly followed in the examination.

  1. Do not write “to” on the right or left hand of the paper.
  2. Write down the rank of the officer on the left-hand side of the paper to whom the application is addressed.

For Example:

The Principle, The S.S.P,

  1. The word “T” in “the” should be capitalized.
  2. Insert a comma after the first line.
  3. Write down the official address of the officer in the second line.

For Example:

Government College and then insert (,) (comma) after it.

The Principle,

Government College,


  1. Write down the name of the city in the third line and put a full stop (.) at its end.
  2. If the application is addressed to a large officer, it should be finished in two lines.

The Governor,


  1. Write down “Sir” at the face of the salutation and put a comma (,) after it. (Sir,)
  2. Write down “Yours sincerely” at subscription and put a comma (,) at the end.
  3. Write down “A.B.C.” below the word “Yours sincerely,”.

Do not write the following things in an application:

  1. Do not write “to” on the left or right hand of the paper.
  2. Do not write “Dear Sir,” but always write “Sir.”.
  3. Do not write a comma (,) at the ‘s’ of yours, sincerely.

Incorrect: (Your’s)

Correct: (Yours)

Always put a comma (,) at the following places:

  1. At the end of the first line, after writing the official address or post,.
  2. The Principle,
  3. At the end of the second line, i.e. after writing the official address,
  4. Govt College,
  5. After “Sir”.
  6. After “Yours sincerely,”.

A Rough Sketch of the Application

(An application to the principle)

The Principle,

Government College,


Subject: …………………………………………..





Yours sincerely.


Application (Letter) for Opening a Dispensary

Write an application (letter) to the district health officer informing him about the need for opening a dispensary in your area.

Examination Hall,

City. A.B.C.

Jun 12, 2018.


The District Health Officer,


Subject: Opening of a Dispensary


      I wanted to bring to your kind notice that there is no dispensary in our village. Our village, ‘Khanewal’, is situated at a distance of thirty miles from city A.B.C. The village is not linked with the city by any road or railway track. It is a far-off village. The main population consists of poor people. There is no medical facility in this city. People have to travel a long distance to reach the free dispensary in the city of A.B.C. They have to suffer the rigors of bad weather to reach the city. The emergency cases meet with a bad end. Many people die of serious ailments due to a lack of treatment. Last month, many people died of a heart attack. Women and children suffer the worst.

The children die for lack of adequate treatment. Many of them lose their lives when they are transported to the city. Kindly visit the village and gain first-rate knowledge about the health of poor people.

Kindly set up a free dispensary in our village and solve the long-awaited problem of the people.

Yours sincerely,


An Application To The D.H.O For Opening A Dispensary In Your Area

An Application To The D.H.O For Opening A Dispensary In Your Area

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