
An Application To G.M. Sui Gas For Installation Of Gas

An Application To G.M. Sui Gas For Installation Of Gas | Method

Need Sui Gas in your colony? This guide will show you how to write an effective application to the General Manager of Sui Gas for the installation of gas in your area. Follow the simple steps and hints provided to make your request clear and compelling.

A Rough Sketch of The Application

(An application to the principle)

The Principle,

Government College,





Yours sincerely.


Application to G.M. Sui Gas

(Letter) Application to the General Manager of Sui Gas about the installation of gas in your colony.

Examination Hall,

A.B.C. City.

July 15, 2018.

The General Manager,

Sui Gas Department,


Subject: Installation of Sui Gas.


We, the residents of Civil Lines, want to bring to your kind notice that we have been deprived of Sui Gas for the last many years. Most of the people in our colony are poor. They are salaried people. They cannot afford to use coal or kerosene oil within their limited sources of income. It is a densely populated area. If Sui Gas connections are given to every house, it will fetch great revenue for the company. Moreover, the main Sui Gas pipeline is passing through the main bazaar of our colony. The company will not have to incur any extra expenditure on laying out the pipes. The resident of the colony is also willing to pay half of the expenditure to the company.

It is requested that the connections be given to the residents as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,


An Application To G.M. Sui Gas For Installation Of Gas | Method

An Application To G.M. Sui Gas For Installation Of Gas

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