English Vocabulary

List of Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings and PDF

List of Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings and PDF

Body Sounds! From the rhythm of our heartbeat to the symphony of our breath, the human body is a remarkable source of sounds. These diverse sounds not only serve vital functions but also hold significant clues about our health and well-being. In this blog post, we embark on a captivating journey through the various body sounds, uncovering their origins, meanings, and importance in diagnosing and understanding our bodies.

Exploring the Fascinating World of Body Sounds

I. The Melody of the Heart: Understanding Heart Sounds The heart, with its rhythmic thumping, produces distinct sounds that can be heard through a stethoscope. By exploring the primary heart sounds (S1 and S2) and additional murmurs, we gain insight into the functioning of the heart and detect potential abnormalities.

II. Harmonizing with the Lungs: Decoding Breath Sounds Our respiratory system creates a symphony of sounds, ranging from normal breath sounds to abnormal crackles, wheezes, and stridor. By analyzing these sounds, healthcare professionals can diagnose respiratory conditions, such as asthma, pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

III. The Music of Digestion: Unveiling Bowel Sounds The digestive system produces a unique cacophony of sounds as it processes food. Bowel sounds can indicate the movement of gas and fluids within the intestines, helping medical practitioners assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and detect potential issues, such as bowel obstructions or gastrointestinal infections.

IV. The Harmonies of the Joints: Joint Sounds Joint sounds, such as cracking or popping, are a common occurrence for many people. While these sounds are often harmless, they can sometimes indicate underlying joint conditions, like arthritis or ligament damage. We delve into the significance of joint sounds and when to seek medical advice.

V. The Rhythm of Life: Pulse Sounds The pulse, an essential indicator of cardiovascular health, provides valuable information about the strength, rate, and regularity of our heartbeat. By understanding the different pulse sounds, such as bounding or weak pulses, medical professionals can assess cardiovascular conditions and determine appropriate interventions.

VI. The Language of the Body: Abdominal Sounds Abdominal sounds, commonly known as stomach rumblings or growling, can be an indicator of normal digestion. However, certain patterns of abnormal abdominal sounds, such as absent or hyperactive bowel sounds, can signify gastrointestinal disorders that require further investigation.

List of 30 Body Sounds in English

  1. Heartbeat
  2. Breathing
  3. Sighing
  4. Coughing
  5. Sneezing
  6. Hiccup
  7. Snoring
  8. Yawning
  9. Belching
  10. Stomach rumbling
  11. Burping
  12. Vomiting
  13. Squeezing a rubber toy
  14. Joint cracking
  15. Bones popping
  16. Farting
  17. Swallowing
  18. Teeth grinding
  19. Nail biting
  20. Knuckle cracking
  21. Rubbing hands together
  22. Scratching skin
  23. Whistling (through the mouth)
  24. Grinding of teeth
  25. Clenching fists
  26. Snapping fingers
  27. Rubbing feet together
  28. Hair brushing
  29. Skin slapping
  30. Footsteps

30 Body Sounds in English with Urdu

Here is a list of 30 different kinds of Body Sounds in English with their Urdu/Hindi meanings and their written pronunciation. Download a free PDF Book of this lesson from the bottom of this page. The PDF Book will help you to revise this lesson.

Burp  برپ ڈکار مارنا
Snore  سنور زور سے سانس لینا
Yawn یان جمائ لینا
Sneeze سنیز چھینکنا
Giggle  گگل ہنسنسا
Tickle ٹکل گدگدی کرنا
Snap سنیپ چٹکی مارنا
Sigh سائی آہ بھرنا
Hiccup ہیکپ ہچکی لینا
Pant پیےنٹ ہانپنا
Growl  گراؤل گرجنا/ غرانا
Gasp گیسپ سانس پھولنا
Slurp  سلرپ کھانا کھاتے وقت آوازیں نکالنا
Smack the lips سمیک دا لپس ہونٹ ملانا
Snort سنورٹ خراٹے مارنا
Growl گرااؤل گرجنا
List of Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings and PDF

List of Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings and PDF

Cracking the knuckles کریکنگ دا نکلز انگلیاں چٹکانا
Blow  بلو پھونک مارنا
Groan  گراوون کراہنا
Grind the teeth  گراینڈ دا ٹیتھ دانت پیسنا
Cough  کف کھانسی کرنا
Scream  سکریم چلانا
Whisper  ویسپر سرگوشی کرنا
Whistle  ویسل سیٹی بجانا
Hum ہم گنگنانا
Mumble مبل منہ میں بڑبڑانا
Clap کلیپ تالی مارنا
Crunch کرنچ روندنا
Gargle گار گل غرارہ کرنا
Clearing the throat کلرینگ دا تھروٹ گلا صاف کرنا
List of Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings and PDF

Body Sounds in English with Urdu Meanings

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