
An Application To The Principal For Character Certificate

An Application To The Principal For Character Certificate | Method

Need a character certificate from your school? This guide will show you how to write an effective application to your principal for a character certificate. Follow these simple steps to make your request clear and professional.

A Rough Sketch of the Application

(An application to the principle)

The Principle,

Government College,





Yours sincerely.

Official Applications or Official Letters

Application to the principle of a college

Solved Examples:

An application to the Principle for Character Certificate

Write an application to the principal of your college, asking him to issue a character certificate for applying for a job.

Examination Hall,

A.B.C. (City).

May 11, 2022.

The Principle,

Government College,



I may like to request that you issue me a character certificate. I need it to apply for some jobs. The following are the facts about my stay at the college:

  1. I joined the college as a first-year student in September 2014 and stayed there till 2018. I passed the Inter Examination with distinction in 2016. I secured high first-class grades and obtained a scholarship.
  2. I passed my B.A. examination in the first division in 2018. I have been a regular student at your college and attended the classes regularly. I took almost all the tests and examinations held in the college for my classes and passed all of them with distinction.
  3. I have been a member of the college cricket team. I played all the matches, and my performance in them was very good.
  4. I have been a member of the debating society at the college. I took part in a number of debates held at the college.
  5. I won many prizes in the debating contest.

My behavior with the teachers was excellent. I followed the rules of college discipline quite faithfully. There is no complaint against me, either from the teachers or from the boys.

Kindly enter all these things into my certificate and issue it as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,


An Application To The Principal For Character Certificate | Method

An Application To The Principal For Character Certificate

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