English Vocabulary

100 Colors Names in English With Images

100 Colors Names In English | A To Z Colors Names List

In this blog post, you’ll learn 100 color names in English that we often use in our daily lives but may not know. Understanding these colors will enhance your vocabulary and make it easier to describe things around you. Whether you’re talking about fashion, design, or everyday objects, mastering these color names is essential for clearer communication.

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Types of Colors

Colors can be broken down into three basic types:

Three Primary Colors:

  • Blue, Red, and Yellow.

Three Secondary Colors:

  • Violet, Orange, and Green.

Six Tertiary Colors:

  • Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, and Blue-Green.
100 Colors Names In English With Images | A To Z Colors

100 Colors Names In English

40 Colors in English With Pictures

Sr No. Color Image Color Name
1. Red
2. Blue
3. Green
4. Orange
5. White
6. Black
7. Yellow
8. Purple
9. Silver
10. Brown
11. Gray
12. Pink
13. Olive
14. Maroon
15. Violet
16. Charcoal
17. Magenta
18. Bronze
19. Cream
20. Gold
21. Tan
22. Teal
23. Mustard
24. Navy Blue
25. Coral
26. Burgundy
27. Lavender
28. Mauve
29. Peach
30. Rust
31. Indigo
32. Ruby
33. Clay
34. Cyan
35. Azure
36. Beige
37. Off White
38. Turquoise
39. Amber
40. Mint

12 Colors for Kids

Here’s the list of interesting color names for kids.

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • white
  • Violet
  • Brown
  • Aqua
  • Black
  • Cyan
  • Purple

100 Colors Names In English | A To Z Colors Names List

100 Colors Names in English

Here’s a comprehensive list of 100 color names in English. Understanding color names through images helps us to choose the right color in daily life. All the colors are given below; let’s learn:

1. Alice blue

2. Antique white

3. Aqua

4. Aquamarine

5. Azure

6. Beige

7. Bisque

8. Black

9. Blanched almond

10. Blue

11. Blue violet

12. Brown

13. Burly-wood

14. Cadet blue

15. Chartreuse

16. Chocolate

17. Coral

18. Cornflower blue

19. Corn silk

20. Crimson

21. Cyan

22. Dark blue

23. Dark cyan

24. Dark goldenrod

25. Dark gray

26. Dark green

27. Dark khaki

28. Dark magenta

29. Dark olive green

30. Dark orange

31. Dark orchid

32. Dark red

33. Dark salmon

34. Dark sea green

35. Dark slate blue

36. Dark slate gray

37. Dark turquoise

38. Dark violet

39. Deep pink

40. Deep sky blue

41. Dim gray

42. Dodgerblue

43. Firebrick

44. Floral white

45. Forest green

46. Fuchsia

47. Gainsborough

48. Ghost white

49. Gold

50. Goldenrod

51. Gray

52. Green

53. Green Yellow

54. Honeydew

55. Hot pink

56. Indian red

57. Indigo

58. Ivory

59. Khaki

60. Lavender

61. Lavender blush

62. Lawn green

63. Lemon chiffon

64. Light blue

65. Light coral

66. Light cyan

67. Light goldenrod yellow

68. Light green

69. Light grey

70. Light pink

71. Light salmon

72. Light sea green

73. Light sky blue

74. Light slate gray

75. Light steel blue

76. Light yellow

77. Lime

78. Lime green

79. Linen

80. Magenta

81. Maroon

82. Medium aquamarine

83. Medium Blue

84. Medium orchid

85. Medium purple

86. Medium sea green

87. Medium slate blue

88. Medium spring green

89. Medium turquoise

90. Medium violet red

91. Midnight blue

92. Mint cream

93. Misty rose

94. Moccasin

95. Navajo white

96. Navy

97. Old lace

98. Olive drab

99. Orange

100. Orange red

100 Colors Names In English With Images | A To Z Colors

100 A To Z Colors

100 Colors Names In English | A To Z Colors Names List

100 Colors Names In English

100 Colors Names In English | A To Z Colors Names List

A To Z Colors Names List

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