
Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images
Written by Englishilm

Explore the common symbols in English with helpful images. This article is going to cover the commonly used symbols in our daily lives. These symbols are mostly used in mathematics, English language, programming, writing, and everyday communication. Learn the entire lesson and enhance your knowledge about symbols.

In this section, we will provide the easiest method to remember that names of these common symbols that we used in our daily lives. Take a short look at the below table:

Common Symbols in English

Symbol Name
! Exclamation Mark
โ€œ Quotation Marks
# Pound Sign (Hash)
$ Dollar Sign
% Percent Sign
& Ampersand
โ€˜ Apostrophe
( Left Parenthesis
) Right Parenthesis
* Asterisk
+ Plus Sign
, Comma
โ€“ Hyphen (Minus Sign)
. Period (Full Stop)
/ Slash
: Colon
; Semicolon
< Less Than Sign
= Equal Sign
> Greater Than Sign
? Question Mark
@ At Symbol
[ Left Square Bracket
\ Backslash
] Right Square Bracket
^ Caret (Circumflex)
_ Underscore
` Grave Accent
{ Left Curly Brace
} Right Curly Brace
~ Tilde
ยฌ Not Sign
ยฆ Broken Vertical Bar
โ€  Dagger
โ€ก Double Dagger
โ€ข Bullet (Dot)
โ€ฐ Per Mille Sign
โ€น Single Left-Pointing
โ€บ Single Right-Pointing
โ‚ฌ Euro Sign
โ„ข Trademark Sign
ร— Multiplication Sign
รท Division Sign
ยฉ Copyright Sign
ยฎ Registered Trademark
โ„ฆ Ohm Sign
ยต Micro Sign
โˆ† Delta
โˆž Infinity
ยฑ Plus-Minus Sign
ยฐ Degree Sign
ยง Section Sign
ยข Cent Sign
ยฃ Pound Sterling Sign
ยฅ Yen Sign
โˆš Square Root
โ‰  Not Equal To
โˆผ Similar To
โ‰  Not Equal To
โˆ‘ Summation
โˆ† Increment

Symbols and Their Use:

@ – At symbol

  • @ – At symbol is used in email addresses and social media handles.

– Hashtag or Number sign

  • Number sign – Used for hashtags on social media and to denote numbers.

$ – Dollar sign

  • Dollar sign denotes currency in US dollars.

% – Percent sign

  • Indicates percentage in mathematics and statistics.

& – Ampersand

  • Represents “and” in writing.
  • Used for multiplication in mathematics and as a wildcard in searches.

/ – Forward slash

  • Used in fractions, URLs, and as a separator.

= – Equals sign

  • Denotes equality in mathematics and assignments in programming.

< – Less than sign

  • Represents less than in mathematics and programming.

! – Exclamation mark

  • Used for exclamations and negation in programming.

? – Question mark

^ – Caret

  • Used for exponents in mathematics and as a caret in writing.

~ – Tilde

  • Indicates approximation in mathematics or home directory in Unix.

( ) – Parentheses

” ” – Quotation marks

‘ ‘ – Single quotation marks

  • Used for single quotes or apostrophes in writing.

: – Colon

  • Separates hours and minutes in time or introduces lists.
  • Learn more about:ย Colon in Punctuation

; – Semicolon

, – Comma

. – Period

  • Marks the end of a sentence or is used as a decimal point in numbers.
  • Connects words or indicates a range (hyphen or dash).

_ – Underscore

  • Used to separate words in filenames and identifiers in programming.

| – Vertical bar

  • Represents a choice between options or a pipe in programming.

ยฐ – Degree symbol

  • Indicates degrees in temperature or angles.

โ‚ฌ – Euro sign

  • Denotes currency in Euros.

ยฃ – Pound sign

  • Denotes currency in British Pounds.

ยฅ – Yen sign

  • Denotes currency in Japanese Yen.

โœ“ – Check mark

  • Used to indicate completion, approval, or correctness.

That was our today’s lesson on common symobls that we used in writing, mathematics, programming, and everyday communication. Learn more through images that attached below:

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Common Symbols in English

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Mastering Symbols in English

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Common Symbols with Description

Mastering Common Symbols in English with Helpful Images

Symbols with Usage

Download a free PDF book of these symbols:


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