English Vocabulary

Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Learn English words that are very confusing while using them in sentences. In this lesson, you are going to learn confused and misused English words with their meanings and example sentences also with helpful charts. This lesson is going to clear the problem of English speakers. Learn this lesson and enhance your English vocabulary.

Most Commonly Misused Words

Learn the most commonly confusing or misusing words listed in English with their meanings:

Words Meanings Words Meanings
Accept Receive Except Leave out
Affect Influence Effect Result
Allowed Permitted Aloud Clearly heard
Allude Make indirect reference Elude Escape from something
Ate Past tense of eat Eight The number
Break Smash, split Brake Stopping device
By Preposition Buy Purchase
Capital City, wealth Capitol Building
Coarse Rough Course Way or path
Ensure Guarantee Insure Financial liability
Farther Physical distance Further Abstract idea
For Preposition Four The number
Forth Forward Fourth Comes after third
Hear Perceive Here In this place
Loose Free Lose Misplace
Peace Absence of war Piece Part, portion
Plain Simple Plane Flat surface
Principle Rule Principal Chief person
Quiet Silent Quite Really, positively
Than Comparison Then At that time
To In the direction of Too Also
Weak Feeble Week Seven days
Weather Atmospheric conditions Whether If, in case
Which What one Witch Sorceress
Who Subject Whom Object
Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Commonly Misused English Words

Misused English Words and Phrases

Able Capable
Meaning: Having the power or opportunity to do something. Meaning: Having the power or ability to do a particular thing; gifted.
Example: He is able to run. Example: Show your teacher what you are capable of.
Accede Exceed
Meaning: Assent or agree to a request, proposal, etc. Meaning: To be greater than.
Example: I accede to your proposal. Example: Their success exceeded all expectations.
Accept Except
Meaning: Consent to, receive something offered. Meaning: Exclude from, set apart from a list, to leave out.
Example: Give her a little time to accept the idea. Example: The stores will be open daily except for Sundays.
Abstain Refrain
Meaning: Do without; hold oneself back from Meaning: To hold oneself from; to keep oneself from some action
Example: He is a total abstainer. Example: Please refrain from spitting in public places.
Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Adopt Adapt
Meaning: They were unable to have children of their own, so they decided to adopt. Meaning: The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change.
Example: The assembly adopted the new measure. Example: They adapted themselves to the change quickly.
Accident Incident
Meaning: Something bad that happens that is not expected or intended and that often damages something or injures someone: Meaning: An unexpected and usually unpleasant thing that happens.
Example: He was injured in an accident at work. Example: We just want to put that embarrassing incident behind us.
Affect Effect
Meaning: The climate affected his health. Meaning: Impression produced on the mind of a spectator, hearer, reader, etc.
Example: Some plants are quickly affected by the cold. Example: He has effected great reforms.
Affection Affectation
Meaning: Love; disease. Meaning: Pretense
Example: I have a great affection for my students. Example: It is always easy to distinguish between sincerity and affectation.
Most Commonly Misused English Words and Phrases

Most Commonly Misused English Words

All ready Already
Meaning: Quite prepared. Meaning: That time.
Example: I’m all ready to go. Example: He has already performed the task.
Advice (Noun) Advise (Verb)
Example: He paid no heed to my advice. Example:  I advise you not to waste your time.
Altar Alter
Meaning: Raised place on which offerings are made to a god. Meaning: To change.
Example: Many people sacrificed their lives at the altar of freedom. Example: I’m sorry I can not alter my decision now.
Alternate Alternative
Meaning: By turns, first the one and then the other. Meaning: Scientists are developing an alternative approach to treating the disease.
Example: The doctor sees the patient on alternate days. Example: He developed an alternative design for the new engine.

Commonly Misused Words and Phrases

Avenge Revenge
Meaning: To avenge is to obtain satisfaction by punishing the wrongdoer. Meaning: Retaliate or vindicate.
Example: God avenges the oppressed. Example: He revenged himself for the insult.
Ascent Assent
Meaning: Act of climbing up; upward movement. Meaning: Concurrence.
Example: I have never made an ascent in a balloon. Example: He gave his assent to the proposal.
Angel Angel
Example:  He is an angel, not a man. Example:  A triangle has three angles.
Example: She is an angel of a girl. Example: The soldiers were being attacked from every angle.
Ant Aunt
Example:  The aunt was going to drown. Example:  My aunt sent me a  birthday present.
Example: Some ants live in trees. Example: His aunt has three cats.

Confusing Words In English

Air Heir
Meaning: Birds fly in the air. Meaning: He is an heir to a large property.
Example: She opened the windows to air the room. Example: His heirs could inherit millions of dollars.
Avocation Vocation
Meaning: Hobby, pastime pursued pleasure rather than gain. Meaning: Profession; occupation.
Example: My favorite avocation is reading. Example: This isn’t just a job for me; it’s a vocation.
Artist Artiste
Meaning: A person who practices one of the fine arts (poetry, painting, or sculpture). Meaning: A professional singer or dancer.
Example: Each poster is signed by the artist. Example: She was a popular French music hall artiste in the late 19th century.
Opposite Apposite
Meaning: Standing in front; contrary. Meaning: Proper, judicious.
Example: My house is situated opposite the post office. Example: This is a very apposite comparison.

Confusing words and Phrases

We hope these explanations have cleared up any confusion or lingering vocabulary questions you may have. The next time you are unsure of which of these words to use.

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