English Vocabulary

Emojis Meaning on WhatsApp in English

Social Media Emoji's With Meanings

In this blog post, we will explore the hidden meanings of emojis on WhatsApp. Emojis have become a fun way to express feelings and ideas in conversations. From happy faces to food symbols, understanding these tiny pictures can help you communicate more clearly and creatively. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this guide will uncover the meaning behind your favorite emojis and show you how to use them effectively in your WhatsApp chats.

Read more: WhatsApp Conversation Sentences

Emojis Images Emojis Meanings
Smiling Face Smiling face
Smiling face with big eyes Smiling face with big eyes
Smiling face with smiling eyes Smiling face with smiling eyes
Beaming face Beaming face with smiling eyes
Smiling face with Tears Smiling face with tears
Grinning face Grinning face
Rolling on the floor laughing Rolling on the floor laughing
Laughing with tears Laughing with tears
Upside down face Upside down face
Winking face Winking face
Smiling face with smiling eyes Smiling face with smiling eyes
Smiling face with halo Smiling face with a halo
Smiling face with sunglasses Smiling face with sunglasses
Nerdy face Nerdy face
Face with monocle Face with monocle
Partying face Partying face
Smiling face with hearts Smiling face with hearts
 Smiling face with hearts Smiling face with heart eyes
Star-struck Star-struck
Face blowing kiss Face blowing kiss
Kissing face Kissing face
Smiling Face Smiling face
Kissing face with smiling eyes Kissing face with smiling eyes
Grimacing face Grimacing face
Confused face Confused face
Worried face Worried face
Slightly frowning face Slightly frowning face
Frowning face Frowning face
Face with open mouth Face with open mouth
Hushed face Hushed face
Astonished face Astonished face
Flushed face Flushed face
Begging face Begging face
Face with open mouth Frowning face with open mouth
Anguished face Anguished face
Fearful face Fearful face
Face with steam Face with steam
Pouting face Pouting face
Angry face Angry face
Face with symbols on the mouth
Smiling face with horns Smiling face with horns
Angry face with Horns Angry face with horns
Skull Skull
Skull and cross-bone
Pile of poo Pile of poo
Clown Clown
Ogre Ogre
Goblin Goblin
Social Media Emoji's With Meanings

Social Media Emojis


Emojis Images Emojis Meanings
Kissing face with closed eyes Kissing face with closed eyes
Hugs Hugs
Face with hand in mouth Face with hand in mouth
Thinking Thinking face
Yummy face Yummy face
Face with tongue Face with tongue
Winking face with tongue Winking face with tongue
Zany face Zany face
Squinting face with tongue Squinting face with tongue
Money face with money tongue Money face with money tongue
Shushing Shushing face
Neutral face Neutral face
Zipped mouth Zipped mouth
Face with a raised eyebrow Face with a raised eyebrow
Expressionless Expressionless face
Face without mouth Face with no mouth
Smirking face Smirking face
Unamused Unamused face
Face with rolling eyes Face with rolling eyes
Grimacing face Grimacing face
Lying face
Face with mask Face with mask
Face with thermometer Face with thermometer
Face with bandage
Nauseous face Nauseous face
Vomiting face Vomiting face
Sneezing face Sneezing face
Hot face Hot face
Cold face Cold face
Woozy face Woozy face
Face with crossed-out face Face with crossed-out face
Face with exploding head Face with exploding head
Anxious face with sweat Anxious face with sweat
Sad but relieved face Sad but relieved face
Crying face Crying face
Loudly crying face Loudly crying face
Screaming face Screaming face
Confounded face Confounded face
Persevering face Persevering face
Disappointed face Disappointed face
Downcast face with sweat Downcast face with sweat
Weary face Weary face
Tired face
Yawning face Yawning face
Grinning cat with smiling eyes Grinning cat with smiling eyes
Social Media Emoji's With Meanings

Social Media Emojis

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