In this blog post, you will learn about human body parts in English, complete with images and example sentences. Understanding the names and functions of body parts helps in conversations about health, anatomy, and everyday situations. From head to toe, knowing these terms will improve your ability to describe the body and communicate effectively in English.
My body Parts In English
- Head
- Waist
- Knee
- Leg
- Calf
- Foot / feet ( plural)
- Ankle
- Heel
- Toe
- Toenail
- Eye
- Hair
- Nose
- Ear
- Mouth
- Cheek
- Jaw
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Tongue
- Tooth ( teeth –plural)
- Neck
- Arm
- Elbow
- Hand
- Finger
- Chest
- Stomach
My Body Parts in English Image
Parts of the Human Body with Meanings and Sentences:
- Meaning: The uppermost part of the body, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.
- Example: My head aches.
- Meaning: The part of the body in humans between the ribs and the hips.
- Example: The level of this lake water is coming up to my waist.
- Meaning: The joint of the leg that allows for movement
- Example: We put our elbows on our knees.
- Meaning: Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.
- Example: Legs carry a whole body.
- Meaning: The part of the lower limb in humans between the hip and the knee.
- Example: He broke his left thring yesterday.
- Meaning: The fleshy muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.
- Example: I will make effort to strengthen the muscles in the calf.
Foot / feet ( plural)
- Meaning: The part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a person stands:
- Example: My feet are hot.
- Meaning: The joint between the foot and the leg
- Example: The patient has a serious ankle injury.
- Meaning: The rounded back part of the foot
- Example: The piece of glass entered my heel.
- Meaning: Any of the five digits at the end of the human foot.
- Example: The book fell on my toes.
- Meaning: The thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe.
- Example: Cut your toenails.
- Meaning: The organ of sight.
- Example: She has beautiful eyes.
- Meaning: The aggregation of numerous filaments, covering the human head.
- Example: She cut her hair short.
- Meaning: The part of the human face that people smell and breathe.
- Example: The child’s nose is bleeding.
- Meaning: The part of the human face that people smell and breathe.
- Example: My ear is ringing.
- Meaning: The part of the human face that people smell and breathe.
- Example: Your mount is dirty.
- Meaning: Either side of the face below the eye.
- Example: The old woman kissed the baby’s cheeks.
- Meaning: The part of the face covering the bones, the mouth, or the mouth parts collectively.
- Example: My jaw hurt when I fell.
- Meaning: Any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eye
- Example: The baby has long black eyelashes.
- Meaning: The movable lid of skin that serves to cover and uncover the eyeball.
- Example: Eyelids always open and close.
- Meaning: The large, soft piece of flesh in the mouth that you can move, and is used for tasting, speaking, etc.
- Example: While eating. I bit my tongue.
Tooth ( teeth—plural)
- Meaning: One of a set of hard, bonelike structures in the mouth.
- Example: Brush your teeth before going to bed
- Meaning: The part of a body that connects the head with the body.
- Example: The bride wore a gold necklace around her neck.
- Meaning: The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm.
- Example: I will try to carry this bag over my shoulder.
- Meaning: The upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist.
- Example: Raise your arms and surrender.
- Meaning: The bend or joint of the human arm between the upper arm and forearm.
- Example: He hurt his elbow.
- Meaning: The part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things.
- Example: Wash your dirty hands.
- Meaning: One of the five digits of the hand
- Example: Be careful! The knife may cut your finger while cutting something.
- Meaning: The hard, slightly curved part that covers and protects the top of the end of a finger
- Example: Some people bite their fingernails.
- Meaning: A part of the body between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs
- Example: She has pain in her chest.
- Meaning: An organ in the body where food is digested
- Example: My stomach is starting to rumble.
Human Body Parts with Images
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