
Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

Want to improve your understanding of adjectives? This guide will teach you 15 pairs of adjectives in English with their Urdu meanings and examples. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be more confident in using adjectives correctly in both languages.

Pair Of Words In The Use of Adjectives

1. Some, Any (کچھ)

Some are used in the affirmative sentences while any are used in the negative.


مثبت فقروں میں استعمال ہوتا ہے جب کہ


منفی اور سوالیہ دونوں فقروں میں استعمال ہوتا ہے۔

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
I did not give him some money. I did not give him any money.
Bring me any water to drink. Bring me some water to drink.
He has got no any book. He has got no book.


He has not got any book

2. Much, Many

Much denotes quantity. (مقدار میں زیادہ)

Many denote numbers. (تعداد میں زیادہ)


سے مراد مقدار لی جاتی ہے۔ جب کہ


سے مراد عدد یا تعداد ہے۔

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
There is not many tea in the cup. There is not much tea in the cup.
There are much boys in the class. There are many boys in the class.

3. Beside, Besides:

Beside by the side. (قریب)

Besides. (مزید، علاوہ)

  • He is sitting besides me. ( Incorrect )
  • He is sitting beside me. ( Correct )

4. Little, A little, The little:

Little hardly any or not much. It has a negative meaning.

(مقدار میں بمشکل ہی کچھ نہ ہونے کے برابر)

A Little means some. It has a positive meaning.

(تھوڑی سی چیز)

The little means something already present.

(کچھ تھوڑی یا زیادہ چیز جو پہلے سے موجود ہو)

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
Little money is better than more. A little money is better than none.
I am sorry to find that I have a little money. I am sorry to find that I have little money.
He spent a little money he had. He spent the little money he had.

5. Few, A few, The few

Few means not any. It has a negative meaning.

(مراد تعداد میں کچھ بھی نہیں)

A few means at least a certain number. It has a positive meaning.

(تعداد میں کچھ)

The few means a certain number that is already present.

(کچھ تھوڑی یا زیادہ چیز جو پہلے سے موجود ہو)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
I am sorry, I have a few friends. I am sorry, I have few friends.
He read a few books he had. He read the few books he had.

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

6. Elder, Eldest, Older, Oldest

Elder and eldest denote the position of one member of a family with reference to another. They are used for the members of the same family.

(خونی رشتے میں بڑا ہونے کے لئے  استعمال کرتے ہیں ، جیسا کہ

Eldest son, eldest daughter, etc.)

Always use ‘to’ after elder or eldest.

(Elder or Eldest

کے بعد



Older and Oldest denotes other than blood relations, more in age, and old things.

(غیر خونی رشتوں میں بڑا ہونا، عمر میں بڑا ہونا، یا پرانا ہونا)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
He is my older brother. He is my elder brother.
He is elder than I. He is older than I.

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

7. Farther & Further:

Farther refers to more distance in space.

(زیادہ فاصلے کو ظاہر کرتا ہے)

Further means in addition to.


Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
Multan is further from Faislabad than Khanewal. Multan is farther from Faislabad than Khanewal.
You must complete your work without farther delay. You must complete your work without further delay.

8. Last & Latest: (کسی شے کی حالت یا پوزیشن)

Last refers to position.


Latest refers to time. It means ‘new’.

(نیا ، جدید)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
What is the last news? What is the latest news?

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

9. Mutual & Common:

Mutual means reciprocal.

(باہمی آپس میں)

Common means shared by more than two persons.


Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
The common love between husband and wife were lost. The mutual love between husband and wife was lost.
We went to the house of our mutual friend. We went to the house of our common friend.

10. No less than & No fewer than:

No less than refers to quantity.

(مقدار کیلئے)

Latest refers to number.

(تعداد کیلئے)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
No less than forty soldiers were killed on the battlefield. No fewer than forty soldiers were killed on the battlefield.

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

11. Many a & A Great Many:

Both have the same meaning but many a is used with a singular verb, whereas a great many take a plural verb.

(فعل واحد آتا ہے اور فعل جمع آتا ہے۔ دونوں لفظوں کے معنی ایک ہی ہیں۔)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
Many a leader want to become the prime minister of Pakistan. Many a leader wants to become the prime minister of Pakistan.
A great many Pakistani is in poverty and ignorance. A great many Pakistani are in poverty and ignorance.

12. Later & Latter:

Later refers to time in the future or after something else. After the present time.

(دیر سے ، بعد میں)

Latter refers to position.

(دو شخصوں یا اشیاء میں جس کا ذکر بعد میں آئے)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
She came latter than I. She came later than I.

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar

13. Nearest & Next

Nearest refers to distance.

(فاصلے میں نزدیک)

Next refers to position.

(پوزیشن میں نزدیک)

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
I got admission in the next college. I got admission in the nearest college.
What is the nearest programme on T.V. What is the next programme on T.V.

14. All & Whole

All denotes number and quantity.

(تعداد اور مقدار دونوں کو ظاہر کرتا ہے)

The Whole denotes only the quantity.



کے بعد

Proper Noun

ہو تو


ضرور لگائیں ۔ ورنہ ضروری نہیں۔مثلاً

The whole of America, The whole of Pakistan.

  • I visited the whole of America. (Correct)
  • Have you spent the whole money? (Correct)
  • All was lost in the fire accident. (Correct)
  • I drank all the milk in the bottle. (Correct)

Pair Of Words In The Use Of Adjectives With Examples | Grammar