English Vocabulary

1000 Pair of Words With Urdu Meanings and Sentences

1000 Pair of Words With Urdu Meanings and Sentences

Learn over 1,000 pairs of words in English with their Urdu meanings and sentences! This lesson helps you understand the difference between words that sound the same but are spelled differently, such as “loose” and “lost.” By mastering these pairs, you’ll improve your vocabulary and writing skills for exams like CSS, IELTS, and school subjects.

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List of Pair of Words with Meanings & Sentences:

·   Boy

·   لڑکا

·   The boy and his sister went to school

·   Buoy

·   تیرنے والا تختہ

·   The ship arrived near the buoy

·   Feet

·   پاؤں

·   His feet are dirty

·   Feat

·   کرتب

·   They performed feats of courage

·   Hour

·   گھنٹہ

·   He works four hours daily

·   Our

·   ہمارا

·   This is our house

·   Miner

·   کان کن

·   This miner works hard

·   Minor

·   چھوٹا

·   He is still a miner

·   Right

·   درست

·   You are right

·   Write

·   لکھنا

·   He is going to write a new novel

·   Tire

·   تھک جانا

·   We tired after a lot of work

·   Tyre

·   ٹائر

·   They sell tyres.

·   Alter

·   بدلنا

·   He will never alter his program

·   Alter

·   قربان گاہ

·   He led the cow to the alter

·   Cereal

·   خوردنی اناج

·   We eat cereal for breakfast

·   Serial

·   سیریل

·   A new serial is being televised

·   Grate

·   تنگ کرنے والا

·   His bad manners grates on everyone

·   Great

·   عظیم

·   He is a great man

·   Knows

·   جاننا

·   He knows the answer

·   Nose

·   ناک

·   His nose is red

·   Pair

·   جوڑا

·   He bought a new pair of shoes

·   Pear

·   ناشپاتی

·   She loves eating pears

·   Sea

·   سمندر

·   Fish swim in the sea

·   See

·   دیکھنا

·   I couldn’t see anything

·   Wait

·   انتظار کرنا

·   I shall wait for you

·   Weight

·   وزن

·   His weight is 50kg

·   All

·   تمام

·   All the girls are singing

·   Awl

·   چمڑے میں چھید کرنے والا آلہ

·   The cobbler uses an awl

·   Cell

·   کوٹھری

·   The prisoner is alone in his tiny cell

·   Sell

·   بیچنا

·   He wants to sell his bicycle

·   Foul

·   گندا

·   Don’t use foul language

·   Fowl

·   پرندہ

·   I like to look at the fowls

·   Know

·   جاننا

·   I do not know him

·   No

·   نہیں

·   No, he is not my brother

·   Pain

·   درد

·   She cried with pain

·   Pane

·   شیشہ

·   The children broke the window pane

·   Scene

·   نظارہ، منظر

·   I saw a beautiful scene

·   Seen

·   کی تیسری فارمsee

·   I haven’t seen him since last week

·   Vocation

·   پیشہ

·   Teaching is my vocation

·   Vacation

·   چھٹیاں

·   She will be here during the summer vacation

·   Ail

·   بیمار ہونا

·   What ails you?

·   Ale

·   شراب

·   I had a glass of ale

·   Buy

·   خریدنا

·   Please buy me a pen

·   Bye

·   کرکٹ کی ٹرم

·   The wicket-keeper let through a bye

·   Flour

·   آٹا

·   The cake is made of flour

·   Floor

·   فرش

·   She is cleaning the floor

1000 Pair of Words With Urdu Meanings and Sentences

Daily Used Pairs of Words in English

·   Bear

·   ریچھ

·   The bear often lives in a cave

·   Bare

·   ننگا

·   He walked with his feet bare

·   Cord

·   رسی

·   He tied the parcel with a strong cord

·   Chord

·   تار

·   My sister played a chord on the piano

·   Hail

·   اولے

·   It is hailing outside

·   Hale

·   تندرست

·   He was hale and hearty

·   Loose

·   کھلا، ڈھیلا

·   She wears loose clothes

·   Lose

·   ہار جانا

·   They will lose the match

·   Plane

·   رندا

·   Plane is used to trim the surface of the wood

·   Plain

·   سادہ

·   The meaning is quite plain

·   Seize

·   محاصرہ کرنا

·   The city has been seized by enemies

·   Cease

·   رک جانا، نہ رہنا

·   The USSR ceased to be many years ago

·   Waste

·   ضائع کرنا

·   Don’t waste your time

·   Waist

·   کمر

·   He is wearing a belt around his waist

·   Age

·   عمر

·   What’s your age?

·   Edge

·   کنارہ

·   The house is on the edge of a forest

·   Bury

·   دفن کرنا

·   Bury the body in the grave

·   Berry

·   فروٹ

·   My brother likes to eat barriers

·   Flea

·   پسو

·   His dog is covered with fleas

·   Flee

·   بھاگ جانا

·   The thief fled away

·   In

·   میں

·   He lives in Lahore

·   Inn

·   سرائے

·   We spent  a night at the inn

·   Missed

·   مس کر دینا

·   He missed the train

·   Mist

·   دھند

·   The atmosphere is misty

·   Ring

·   انگوٹھی

·   I gave her a gold ring

·   Wring

·   نچوڑنا

·   She will wring the wet clothes

·   Urban

·   شہری

·   There are few trees in the urban areas of the country

·   Urbane

·   مہذب

·   He is an urbane person

·   Beet

·   چقندر

·   Sugar is also made from beet

·   Beat

·   مارنا

·   Do not beat a child severely

·   Dew

·   شبنم

·   The grass was wet with dew

·   Due

·   حق

·   Give the devil his due

·   Heal

·   مندمل ہونا

·   The wound healed slowly

·   Heel

·   ایڑھی

·   She was wearing high heel shoes

·   Mail

·   ڈاک

·   He sent the letter by air-mail

·   Male

·   نر

·   There was a voice of a male

·   Principal

·   پرنسپل

·   He is the principal of his college

·   Principe

·   اصول

·   He is a man of principles

·   Soar

·   اڑانا

·   The birds are soaring in the air

·   Sore

·   دکھی

·   She walked away with a sore heart

·   Weather

·   موسم

·   The weather is very fine today

·   Whether

·   آیا کہ

·   I don’t know whether he will come or not

·   Accept

·   قبول کرنا

·   I accept your apology

·   Except

·   سوائے

·   Everyone was happy except her

·   Key

·   چابی

·   Where are the keys?

·   Quay

·   بندر گاہ پر جہاز کھڑے ہونے کی جگہ

·   The ship is tied up at the quay

·   None

·   کوئی نہیں

·   None of them knows the answer

·   Nun

·   راہبہ

·   The nuns are praying

·   Roe

·   پاؤں کا انگوٹھا

·   Don’t step on my toes

·   Tow

·   رسے سے کھینچنا

·   They are towing a heavy piece of wood

·   Vain

·   بے سود

·   It was a vain to attempt

·   Vein

·   رگ

·   We can see the veins on his hands

·   Ball

·   بال

·   He kicked the ball

·   Bawl

·   چلانا

·   Don’t bawl at him

·   Complement

·   تکمیل کرنا، مکمل کرنا

·   The scarf complements her dress

·   Compliment

·   آداب

·   Pay my compliments to your father

·   Guilt

·   جرم

·   The guilt will be brought to light

·   Gilt

·   ملمع کار

·   She bought gilt ear-rings

·   Loan

·   قرضہ

·   Could you give me a loan of one thousand rupees

·   Lone

·   تنہا

·   The lone visitor has tired

·   Peace

·   امن

·   The world is devoid of peace

·   Piece

·   ٹکڑا

·   The mirror broke into pieces

·   Secret

·   خفیہ

·   It is a top secret

·   Secrete

·   چھپانا

·   He secreted the stolen books

·   Ware

·   سامان، چیزیں

·   The hawker is selling his wares

·   Wear

·   پہننا

·   He is wearing a black shirt

·   Bold

·   بہادر

·   He is a bold army captain

·   Bowl

·   گیند کرانا

·   He bowled well in the match

·   Dual

·   دوہرا

·   He is playing a dual role in the college

·   Duel

·   لڑائی

·   They are going to fight a duel

·   Hew

·   کاٹنا

·   They hew down the trees daily

·   Hue

·   رنگ

·   Look at the news of the rainbow

·   Medal

·   تمغہ

·   He won a medal for his bravery

·   Meddle

·   مداخلت کرنا

·   Don’t meddle in my affairs

·   Rap

·   دستک دینا

·   I heard a rap on the door

·   Wrap

·   لپیٹنا

·   He wrapped the book in the paper

·   Task

·   کام

·   It was a difficult task

·   Tusk

·   لمبے دانت

·   The elephant has long tusks

·   Berth

·   نشست

·   His berth was booked for him by his father

·   Birth

·   پیدائش

·   She gave birth to his baby

·   Die

·   مر جانا

·   Many people die of hunger

·   Dye

·   رنگنا

·   I want to dye my hair

·   Hear

·   سننا

·   Can you hear me?

·   Here

·   یہاں

·   Is he here?

·   Main

·   اہم

·   She is standing at the main gate

·   Mane

·   ایال

·   The horse has a beautiful mane

Words Pair in English with Meanings and Examples

·   Rain

·   بارش

·   It is raining outside

·   Reign

·   دور حکومت

·   The cruel king reigned the country cruelly

·   Sole

·   تنہا

·   He is the sole owner of his property

·   Soul

·   روح

·   He is the heart and soul of our group

·   Which

·   کونسی

·   Which is your book?

·   Witch

·   چڑیل

·   I saw a witch at night

·   Bow

·   جھکنا

·   The Muslims only bow before God

·   Bough

·   ٹہنی

·   He lowered the bough of the tree

·   Fair

·   خوبصورت

·   She has a fair complexion

·   Fare

·   کرایہ

·   What is the fare to the town from here by bus?

·   Hole

·   سوراخ

·   There is a hole in the wall

·   Whole

·   تمام

·   She gave her whole attention to the problems

·   Meter

·   میٹر

·   This is a gas meter

·   Metre

·   پیمائش کے لئے گز

·   Cloth is sold by the meter

·   Red

·   سرخ

·   He is wearing a red dress

·   Read

·   کی تیسری فارم read

·   I have read this novel twice

·   Tide

·   لہریں

·   Huge tides are rising in the sea

·   Tied

·   باندھنا

·   His hands were tied with a cord

·   Beech

·   درخت کا نام

·   Beech-wood is useful

·   Beach

·   ساحل

·   The beach was covered with people

·   Course

·   نصاب

·   The course of English has been changed

·   Coarse

·   کھردرا

·   His shoes are made of coarse cloth

·   Hair

·   بال

·   He brushed his hair

·   Hare

·   خرگوش

·   We saw a beautiful hare in the zoo

·   Lute

·   آلہ موسیقی

·   The poet plays his lute every day

·   Loot

·   لوٹ مار کرنا

·   The thieves looted his house

·   Poor

·   غریب

·   He is a poor man

·   Pore

·   مسام

·   We have many pores in our body

·   Sheathe

·   میان

·   He drew the sword out of its sheathe

·   Seethe

·   پر ہجوم

·   The streets in the city seething with people

·   Way

·   راستہ

·   This is the way to our college

·   Weigh

·   وزن کرنا

·   Will you please weigh the box?

·   Blue

·   نیلا

·   The sea is blue

·   Blew

·   اڑانا

·   The children blew the balloon

·   Draft

·   مسودہ

·   He has prepared a draft for a letter

·   Draught

·   ہوا کی تیزی

·   You will catch a cold if you sit in a draught

·   Heard

·   سننا

·   Have you heard the news?

·   Herd

·   ریوڑ

·   A heard of animals grazing in the field

·   Meat

·   گوشت

·   I like to eat meat

·   Meet

·   ملنا

·   We shall meet tomorrow

·   Raise

·   اوپر اٹھانا

·   He raised his hands

·   Rays

·   شعائیں

·   The rays of the sun look beautiful

·   Tail

·   دم

·   The cow has a long tail

·   Tale

·   کہانی

·   He told us a tale

·   Whole

·   تمام

·   She ate the whole chicken

·   Hole

·   سوراخ

·   There is a hole in that wall

·   Bale

·   گانٹھ

·   He loaded the bale of rubber into the bus

·   Bail

·   ضمانت

·   He was released on bail yesterday

·   Cite

·   حوالہ دینا

·   He cited verses from the Holy Quran

·   Sight

·   نظر

·   He lost his sight after an illness

·   Grown

·   بڑآ

·   He is a grown-up man now

·   Groan

·   کراہنا

·   The sick man was groaning

·   Lessen

·   کم کرنا

·   The medicine will lessen the pain

·   Lesson

·   سبق

·   Learn your lessons carefully

·   Pause

·   وقفہ

·   They continued to talk after a pause

·   Paws

·   پنجہ

·   The paws of tiger are large

·   Seam

·   سلائی

·   The seams of your trousers are right

·   Seem

·   دکھائی دینا

·   It seems as if you were mad

·   Wander

·   آوارہ گردی کرنا

·   He wanders day and night

·   Wonder

·   حیران ہونا

·   We were filled with wonder when we saw that charming girl

·   Beer

·   شراب

·   Beer is not a popular drink in Pakistan

·   Bear

·   برداشت کرنا

·   I can bear you no more

1000 Pair of Words With Urdu Meanings and Sentences

·   Dear

·   پیارا

·   My mother is dear to me

·   Deer

·   ہرن

·   He saw a deer

·   Hall

·   ہال

·   The hall of his hotel is very vast

·   Haul

·   کھینچنا

·   They hauled the pieces of wood

·   Made

·   بننا

·   The table is made of wood

·   Maid

·   دو شیزہ

·   A maid is working in the field

·   Practice

·   مشق

·   Practice makes a man perfect

·   Practise

·   مشق کرنا

·   You must practice early rising

·   Slow

·   آہستہ

·   It was a very slow journey

·   Slough

·   دلدل

·   The animal died in the slough

·   Weak

·   کمزور

·   She is too weak to walk

·   Week

·   ہفتہ

·   I’ll go to Lahore next week

·   Bore

·   بور کرنا

·   We got bored listening to him

·   Boor

·   غیر مہذب

·   A boor is a rude man

·   Faint

·   مدھم

·   She called for help in a faint voice

·   Feint

·   بہانہ کرنا

·   He made a feint of reading the papers

·   Him

·   اسے

·   Give him some money

·   Hymn

·   حمدیہ نظم

·   People are singing hymns in the church

·   Metal

·   دھات

·   The pot is made of metal

·   Mettle

·   جرات

·   Our army shows great mettle in the war of 1965

·   Read

·   پڑھنا

·   He is reading a book

·   Reed

·   ریڈ(پودا)

·   The snake was hidden in the reeds

·   Team

·   ٹیم

·   Our team is very hard working

·   Teem

·   بھرا ہوا ہونا

·   The river teems with fishes

·   Air

·   ہوا

·   Air is clean and fresh on mountain tops

·   Heir

·   وارث

·   His eldest son is heir to his fortune

·   Ceiling

·   چھت کا نچلا حصہ

·   The ceiling was painted white

·   Sealing

·   بند کرنا

·   He is sealing the letter for posting

·   Fool

·   بیوقوف

·   Don’t make a fool of him

·   Full

·   بھرا ہوا

·   The box is full

·   Knead

·   ملانا،گارا بنانا

·   She kneads the clay to make pots

·   Need

·   ضرورت ہونا

·   We need some water

·   Pail

·   بالٹی

·   They carried a pale of water

·   Pale

·   پیلا

·   She turned pale at the news

·   Sail

·   جہاز کا تیرنا

·   The ship is sailing in the sea

·   Sale

·   فروخت

·   This house is not for sale

·   Vale

·   وادی

·   Murree is a beautiful vale

·   Veil

·   نقاب

·   She is wearing a veil

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1000 Pair of Words with Urdu Meanings and Sentences

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