In this blog post, you’ll learn the names of pet animals and the different types of pets in English, accompanied by interesting ESL animal pictures and important information. Pets are an important part of many people’s lives, and this lesson will help you understand what makes an animal a pet and explore the various types of pets. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a better understanding of pet names and their significance in English.
What are pets?
Pets are animals kept by humans for companionship and pleasure. While the main purpose of keeping a pet is the enjoyment it provides to its owner, the relationship is often mutual, especially with pets like horses, dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals. These animals become a part of the family and offer emotional support, comfort, and joy to their owners.
Types of Pets
There are many different possible pets, but they mostly fall into just a handful of larger categories of animals. These include fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Fish are kept in aquariums and can’t really be stroked or otherwise physically interacted with.
Types of Fish:
- Betta
- Goldfish
- Angelfish
- Guppies
- Neon Tetras
- Zebra Danios
- Mollies
- Catfish
Reptiles generally live in terrariums or tanks. Some of them can be handled, both held and pet.
Types of Reptiles:
- Bearded Dragons
- Common Leopard Geckos
- Turtles
- Tortoises
- Corn Snakes
- Ball Pythons
- Crested Geckos
- Blue-Tongued Skinks
- Monitor Lizards
- Green Iguanas
- Red-Eared Sliders
- Argentine Black and White Tegu
- Chinese Water Dragon
- Green Anole
As far as pets go, amphibians mostly are all frogs. They can’t usually be handled because their skin is very sensitive, but they’re still very cute little animals and can make great pets. Amphibians usually also live in terrariums.
Types of Amphibians:
- Tree Frog
- Tiger Salamander
- Axolotl
- Pacman Frog
- Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad
- Dart Frog (Note: these are poisonous)
- Amazon Milk Frog
- Birds as pets often live in cages, but some bird owners let their birds roam the house.
Types of Birds:
- Parrots
- Cockatiels
- Finches
- Cockatoos
- Canaries
- Lovebirds
- Parakeets
Mammals are what most people think of when they think of pets. Furry animals that give birth to live babies are mammals.
Types of Mammals:
- Caged Pets
- Gerbils
- Hamsters
- Rabbits (Not always caged)
- Mice
- Rats
- Guinea Pigs
- Chinchillas
- Ferrets (Not always caged)
- Cats
- Maine Coons
- Persians
- American Shorthairs
- Ragdolls
- British Shorthairs
- Siamese Cats
- Sphynx Cats (Note: these are hairless cats)
- Scottish Folds
- Russian Blues
- Devon Rexes
- Dogs
- Labrador Retrievers
- Golden Retrievers
- Bulldogs
- German Shepherds
- Beagles
- Poodles
- French Bulldogs
- Yorkshire Terriers
- Rottweilers
- Boxers
- Dachshund
- Chihuahuas
- Huskies
- Corgis
- Australian Shepherds
- Cocker Spaniels
Common Pets Names with Useful Information
List of Pet Names with Pictures
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