English Vocabulary General Knowledge

100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

There are two names for species: one is the genus, and the other is a specific name. Like Homo sapiens, which stands for humans. Homo is a genus, and sapiens is a specific name. The classification of living things, whether animals or birds, into scientific names is important for better communication and provides necessary information.

Scientific Name of Animals

This article is going to provide the name of animals with their scientific name. This lesson is going to be very helpful and interesting for you if you’re really interested in animals and also if you are looking for the scientific names of Animals in English. Learn this lesson and enhance your knowledge about animals and their scientific names.

100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

Scientific Names of Animals in English

Let us have a look at the list of the scientific names of living things including animals and birds:

Animals Name Scientific Name
Camel Camelus dromedarius
Albatross Diomedeidae
Alpaca Vicugna pacos
Asian Elephant Elephas maximus
Bat Chiroptera
Brown Tree Snake Boiga irregularis
Gaur Bos gaurus
Goat Capra aegagrus hircus
Bear Ursidae
Polar bear Ursus maritimus
Sun bear Helarctos malayanus
Blackbuck Antilope cervicapra
Black rat Rattus rattus
Buffalo Bubalus bubalis
Cat Felis catus
Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus
Chinkara Gazella bennettii
100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

Scientific Names of Animals in English

Animals Name Scientific Name
Cobra Naja
Cockroach Blattodea
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis
Cow Bos taurus
Crocodile Crocodylus palustris
Deer Cervidae
Dog Canis lupus familiaris
Dolphin Cetacea
Eagle Accipitridae
Elephant Elephantidae
Fish Vertebrata
Red fox Vulpes vulpes
Gavial or Gharial Gavialis gangeticus
Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis
Great horned owl Bubo virginianus
Hen Gallus gallus domesticus
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius
100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

Scientific Names of Animals in English

Read more about: Animals and their Homes with Images

Animals Name Scientific Name
Horse Equus caballus
House crow Corvus splendens
Housefly Musca domestica
House mouse Mus musculus
House sparrow Passer domesticus
House wall Lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridis
Indian Cobra Naja naja
Indian Python Python molurus
Kashmir stag or hangul Cervus canadensis hanglu
King cobra Ophiophagus hannah
Leopard or panther Panthera pardus
Monkey Simiiformes (infraorder)
Mosquito Culicidae
Lion Panthera leo
Lizard Squamata
Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus
Peacock Pavo cristatus
100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

Scientific Names of Animals in English

Animals Name Scientific Name
Pig Sus
Prawn Dendrobranchiata
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
Rat Rodentia
Rat snake Ptyas mucosa
Rattlesnake Crotalinae
Rhesus monkey Macaca mulatta
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis
Sea snake Hydrophiinae
Sheep Ovis aries
Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus
Snakehead Channidae
Sparrow Passer domesticus
Spider Araneae
Starfish Asteroidea
Tiger Panthera tigris
Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus
Wild Ass Equus africanus asinus
Wild boar Sus scrofa
Wolf Canis lupus
100+ Scientific Names of Animals in English | Scientific Names

Scientific Names of Animals in English

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