English To Urdu Sentences

33 Sentences about Traveling in English with Urdu Translation

33 Sentences about Traveling In English with Urdu Translation

Learn 33 very helpful English to Urdu sentences for traveling. This lesson contains 33 sentences to talk about travel in English with Urdu/Hindi translation. These sentences are essential for improving your English skills and can be used when you are traveling. As an English learner, mastering these sentences will help you communicate better during your trips.

Travel Sentences

These 33 sentences are very important, especially for people learning English who are planning to travel. These sentences include basic but important conversations, like asking for directions, booking a hotel, ordering food, and using transportation. By learning these travel sentences, English learners can overcome language problems, making their trips easier and more enjoyable. These sentences also help build confidence when talking to people who speak English, such as locals or other travelers.

Sentences about Traveling

In this section, you will learn the travel sentences in English through Urdu or Hindi translations:

Our car got punctured on the way. راستہ میں ہماری گاڑی پنکچر ہو گئی۔
I am going by bus. میں بس پہ جا رہا ہو ں۔
What time is my flight? میری پرواز کس وقت ہے؟
May I have something to eat? کیا میں کچھ کھا نے کو لے سکتا ہوں؟
Where can I find a taxi? مجھے ٹیکسی کہا ں ملے گی؟
Have you bought the ticket کیا آپ نے ٹکٹ خرید لیا ہے؟
Sorry, you are sitting in my seat. آپ میری نشست پہ بیٹھےہیں۔
They could not caught the bus. وہ بس نہ پکڑ سکے۔
My car run out of petrol. میری گاڑی کا پیٹرول ختم ہو گیا ہے۔
For how long the train stops here? گا ڑی یہا ں کتنی دیر رکتی ہے؟
Tire is punctured. ٹائر پنکچر ہے۔
I coming to you. میں آپ کے پاس آ رہا ہوں۔
33 Sentences about Traveling In English with Urdu Translation

Sentences about Traveling

English to Urdu Sentences about Traveling

When will the bus leave? بس کس ٹا ئم نکلے/جا ئے گی۔
How long does it take to reach Lahore? لاہورپہنچنے میں کتنا وقت لگتا ہے؟
Please tell me the way to the Multan. مہر بانی کر کے  مجھےملتان کا راستہ بتا دیں۔
My car broke down. میر ی  گاڑی خراب ہو گئی۔
We have lost our way. ہم راستہ بھو ل گئے۔
I have to take taxi to work. مجھے ٹیکسی پر کا م کے لئے جاناپڑتاہے۔
How is far the office from home? آفس گھر سے کتنی دور ہے۔
What is the departure time? وقت روانگی کیا ہے؟
He caught the bus. اسے بس مل گئی۔
I am going to Murree this winter. میں ان سرد یوں میں مری جارہاہو ں۔
What brings you here? کیسے آنا ہوا؟
He missed the bus. اس کی بس چھوٹ گئی۔
Where are you going? آپ کہاں جا رہے ہیں؟
It is only five minutes’ walk. پید ل صرف پا نچ منٹ کا راستہ ہے۔
33 Sentences about Traveling in English with Urdu Translation

English to Urdu Sentences about Traveling

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33 Sentences about Traveling In English with Urdu Translation

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