
Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

Strengthen your English vocabulary by learning 200+ English words with their synonyms and Urdu/Hindi meanings. In this lesson, you’ll discover essential words you can use in daily conversations, enhancing your language skills. These words are paired with synonyms to help you understand their various uses and meanings in different contexts.

A PDF book with 200 important daily-used synonyms is also included for easy reference. Just click the download button to get your copy and start learning today.

What are Synonyms?

A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word. Those words are synonyms, also known as synonymous, and this state is synonymy. Here, you are going to learn 200+ English words along with the words that have the same meaning. This lesson is translated in Urdu/Hindi language for easy understanding for Urdu/Hindi speakers. Let’s learn these synonym examples with their meanings:

List of Crucial Synonyms

Words Synonyms Urdu
Pivotal Searching, trying اہم
Critical Major, determining تنقیدی
Key Settling چابی
Climacteric Searching تلاش کرنا
Decisive Testing فیصلہ کن
Deciding Critical فیصلہ کرنا
Determining Pivotal طے کرنا
Settling Decisive آباد کرنا
Testing Critical جانچ
Trying Searching کوشش
Searching Testing تلاش
Major Critical میجر
Significant Pivotal اہم

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

Synonyms Examples with Urdu Meanings

Words Synonyms Meaning
1. Neat Tidy صاف ستھرا
2. Business Trade تجارت/کاروبار
3. Quiet Peaceful خاموش/پر سکون
4. Write Record لکھنا/نوٹ کرنا
5. Quite Pretty کافی/بہت
6. Furious Angry غضب ناک
7. Fantastic Great عمدہ/خوب
8. House Home گھر
9. Pastime Hobby مشغلہ
10. Extra Additional اضافی
11. Rescue Save بچانا/محفوظ کرنا
12. Ability Skill صلاحیت
13. Able Capable قابل
14. above Overhead اوپر
15. Abundant Ample بہت سا/ کثیر
16. Ambitious Aspiring بلند نظر/عالی ہمت

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

100 Synonyms with Urdu Meanings

Words Synonyms Meaning
17. Antagonize Provoke تحریک دینا/اکسانا
18. Apparent Evident واضح
19. Approve Endorse منظور کرنا
20. Arrive Reach-come پہنچنا
21. Beginning Start ابتدا
22. Blend Combine ملنا/ گھلنا
23. Bottom Base تہ-نیچے
24. Brave Bold بہادر
25. Break Fracture ٹوٹنا
26. Conflict Fight تنازعہ
27. Confirm Comply پکا کرنا/تصدیق کرنا
28. confuse Complicate الجھا ہوا
29. Congested Stuffed جمع ہونا
30. Connect Join جوڑنا/ملانا
31. Dally Loiter دیر کرنا/ڈھیل کرنا
32. Damage Hurt زخم/گھاؤ/چوٹ

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

List of Synonyms in English with Urdu

Words Synonyms Meaning
33. Dangerous Unsafe غیرمحفوظ/

خطر ناک

34. Daring Bold دلیر/مردانہ/شجاع
35. Dark Dismal تاریک/ہولناک
36. Conscious Aware باخبر
37. Consecutive Successive مسلسل-لگاتار
38. Conservative Cautious محافظ
39. Considerate Thoughtful قدردان
40. Constantly Always ہمیشہ
41. Busy Active چست
42. Buy Purchase خریدنا
43. Calm Quiet خاموش
44. Capture Seize پکڑنا
45. Care Concern خیال
46. Careful Cautious محتاط
47. Complex Complicated پیچیدہ
48. Competent Capable قابل/اہل
49. Comprehend Grasp گھیرنا/مشتمل ہونا
50. Complete Conclude مکمل

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

Synonyms Examples in English

Words Synonyms Meaning
51. Complex Intricate الجھا/پیچیدہ
52. Conscientious Virtuous ایمان دار/نیک
53. Convenient Handy آسان/سہل
54. Cozy Comfortable آرام دہ
55. Cranky Cross بد مزاج/چڑچڑا
56. Crazy Insane پاگل/دیوانہ
57. Cruel Mean سنگدل/ظالم
58. Concur Agree متفق ہونا
59. Condemn Censure برا کہنا/ملامت کرنا
60. Condense Compress دبانا
61. Confess Admit تسلیم کرنا
62. Confine Contain محدود کرنا
63. Certain Positive بلا شبہ
64. Charming Enchanting دلکش

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

200 Examples of Synonyms with Urdu

Words Synonyms Meaning
65. Chilly Nippy سخت سرد
66. Chubby Plump گول/موٹا
67. Comical Amusing مسرت انگیز
68. Awkward Clumsy عجیب
69. Ban Forbid ممنوع کرنا
70. Barren Infertile بنجر
71. Bashful Shy شرمیلا/شرمیلی
72. Beautiful Attractive دلکش
73. Encourage Urge حوصلہ افزئی کرنا
74. Respect Honor عزت
75. Mix Stir ہلانا/مکس کرنا
76. Abandon Forsake چھوڑ دینا
77. Abbreviate Condense خلاصہ کرنا
78. Adjourn Postpone ملتوی کرنا/ ٹال دینا
79. Adult Grown-up پختہ
80. Advocate Support وکالت کرنا/ ساتھ دینا
81. After Following-next بعد
82. Afraid Scared خوفزدہ
83. Able Capable قابل

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

50 Examples of Synonyms

Words Synonyms Meaning
84. Wrong Incorrect غلط
85. Unmarried Single غیر شادی شدہ
86. Idea Thought خیال
87. Total Entire سارا/مکمل
88. Choose Select منتخب
89. Sundown Sunset غروب آفتاب
90. Odd Strange عجیب
91. Important Significant اہم
92. Occur Happen واقع ہونا
93. Behave Act برتاؤ/سلوک
94. Sundown Sunset غروب آفتاب
95. Old Ancient پرانا
96. Cunning Clever چالاک
97. Nearly Almost تقریبا
98. Buy Purchase خریدنا
99. Hat Cap ٹوپی
100. Uncommon Unusual غیر معمولی

Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

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Synonyms Examples Words with Urdu Meanings | Download PDF

100 Important Words and Synonyms list

Words Synonyms
1 Definitely Of course
2 Lazy Inactive
3 Actually In fact
4 Call over Take the roll call
5 Measure Compute
6 Indications Signals
7 Decade Series of ten years
8 Give up End up
9 Chant Sing
10 Jerky Shaking
11 Trance Vision
12 Amiable Nice
13 Wind Wound up
14 Occult Mystic
15 Indeed Actually
16 Fortunate Lucky
17 Anno domini Old age
18 Dotage Agedness
19 Lethal Fatal
20 Strain Tension
21 Brag Boast
22 Preliminary Initial
23 Flower scents Fragrance
24 Chubby Fat
25 Queer Strange
26 Vivid Realistic
27 Firm Strict
28 Reticent Secret
29 Colossal Tremendous
30 Ordeal Trial
31 Legitimate Legal
32 Ruffian Villain
33 Russet Reddish brown
34 Mantle Blanket
35 Foundation Institution
36 Reign Administration
37 Dwindle Decay
38 Renown Repute
39 Subsequent Later
40 Status Level
41 Rank Grade
42 Eminent Prominent
43 Peer Nobleman
44 Bishop A priest of high rank
45 Senate Parliament
46 Turn out Bring out
47 Merchant Trader
48 Manufacturer Trader
49 Sprinkling Not much
50 Squire Landowner


Words Synonyms
51 Parson Preacher
52 Snobbish Arrogant
53 Confess Admit
54 Sort Category
55 Probably Perhaps
56 Social Public
57 Sense Meaning
58 Admirable Respectable
59 Bright Intelligent
60 Ambitious Desirous of
61 Eventually Finally
62 Adversity Hardship
63 Reliable Trustworthy
64 Affect Influence
65 Doyen Chief
66 Uproarious Noisy
67 Tragic Pathetic
68 Soak Damp
69 Shallow Not deep
70 Caddy Small carton
71 Session Conference
72 Jolly Pleasant
73 Traces Remains
74 Gutter Grain
75 Cheeky Disrespectful
76 Chapel Church
77 Supper Evening meal
78 Adequate Sufficient
79 Pile up Stack
80 Assiduous Hard-working
81 Deduce Derive
82 Occasional Rare
83 Legible Easily readable
84 Fuss Bother
85 Aroma Fragrance
86 Colleague Partner
87 Board Room
88 Hasten Hurry up
89 Relish Delight
90 Innovation Novelty
91 Craze Enthusiasm
92 Masculine Male
93 Timid Shy
94 Take up Adopt
95 Chivalry Graciousness
96 Track Pathway
97 Freckled Spotted
98 Sprain Bruise
99 Reveal Bring to light
100 Mercy Leniency

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