Essay Writing

Essay Writing On The Value of Computer | Essay On Science

Essay Writing On The Value of Computer | Essay On Science

Want to ace your essay writing skills for tests and exams? This guide will show you how to write an effective essay, focusing on the value of computers and their benefits. By the end of this lesson, you’ll know how to craft a well-structured essay that highlights the importance of technology in our lives.

The Value of Computer


  • The 21st century will be the century of computers. Computers will become the need of every home and every person in the coming years.
  • A computer is an electronic device that solves problems by processing data according to instructions. The word “computer” is a Latin word, derived from ‘computar’, which means reckon up.
  • The computer has brought a revolution in every field of life. They have revolutionized business, commerce, and industry. In business and industry, we can have comparative statements of production of different mills on the screen of the computer without moving out of the room.
  • The banking system has been revolutionized with the help of computers.
  • In hospitals, computers are used to diagnose various diseases. They are very helpful in the investigation of laboratory tests.

The 21st century is the century of advancement in science and technology. The most important feature of the coming century is the development and growth of computer technology. Ten years from now, computers will be at our home in our pockets inside our television. Even a grocer and vendor will be doing his business with the help of computers. A scientific survey has revealed that tomorrow, we shall have shirt pocket computers, which will work much faster than today’s computers.

A computer is an electronic device that solves problems by processing data according to instructions. The word computer has been derived from the Latin word “computar” which means to reckon up. The first computer was designed by a French scientist Pascal in 1642. The first automatic electronic digital computer was prepared in America in 1946. The electronic computer is rightly called the wonder of the modern age. It is an electronic device for storing and analyzing information fed into it. It makes calculations and controls machinery automatically.

A computer is immense in every field of life. It can help us in business, industry, construction, banking, medicine, and teaching. In business and industry, the computer can let us know the latest trends of the business. It prepares lists of goods purchased and sold. It can show the figures of loss and profit of a mill or factory in one moment. It can inform us about the productions, and needs of a factory within a flash of time. It can equip us with a comparative statement of the production of other factories and mills. Thus in no time, we shall have a perfect data of the working of different factories on the screen of the computers without moving from our room.

A computer is of immense help in the construction of the big plazas, buildings, bridges, and roads. It gives us designs of various building structures, which are shockproof and soundproof. This computer accuracy has reduced the time for building something. Now we can construct buildings of perfect designs that cannot be completed by hundreds of engineers and scientists.

The banking system to has been revolutionized by computers. The clients do not have to wait for a long time to know their balance, profit, and loss. It supplies to its clients the most accurate accounts. Computers are rendering great service in the smooth working of telecommunication system also. The telephone exchanges are controlled by computers. The message by telephone, radio, fax, machines and television are fully computerized.

Rockets satellites and spaceships are controlled through computers. The air flights between different counties are guided by computers. Due to the wide range of memory and calculation, they have become the need of every establishment. In hospitals, computers help us to diagnose various diseases. They help us in the investigation of laboratory tests. They guide the doctors to describe the correct medicine for the patients.

A computer has a very vast memory. A small disk can store material that several books and files can store. The knowledge contained in a while library can be stored in the computers. We can say that in the future, the computer will play a great role in our social, economic, and cultural life.

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Essay Writing On The Value of Computer | Essay On Science Essay Writing On The Value of Computer | Essay On Science Essay Writing On The Value of Computer | Essay On Science