
Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English

Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English

Learn the use of the modal verbs will and shall in English with useful example sentences. In this lesson, you’re going to learn the use of modal verbs, such as will and shall, with their usage and example sentences in English. Learn this lesson and enhance your knowledge of English modular verbs.

In this section, we are going to take a look at the modal verb in a little more detail as well as some examples of how it can be used, giving you a greater understanding of its function.

Modal Verb Will

The modal verb will is used to express: promise, instant decision, invitation, offer, certain predictions, and for the future auxiliary.

Use of Modal Verbs

The verb “will” is used to express:

1. Promise:

  • Don’t worry, I will be here.

2. Instant decision:

  • I will take these books with me.

3. Invitation/Offer:

  • Will you give me a chance?

4. Certain predictions:

  • John Smith will be the next president.

5. Future tense auxiliary:

  • Tomorrow I will be in New York.

Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English


Modal Verb Shall

The modal verb Shall is used to express: Asking what to do, offering, and making suggestions. Take a look at the below example sentences:

The verb “shall” is used to express:

1. Asking what to do:

  • Shall I get the phone? Or will you?

2. Offer:

  • Shall I call a cab?

3. Suggestion:

  • Shall I call again on Thursday?

Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English

Huge List of English Sentences with Use of “WILL”

  1. Your children will be the future of this country.
  2. We will paint our house next week.
  3. They will write a letter to their best friend.
  4. He will close the shop.
  5. She will see her friend at the weekend.
  6. I will read the newspaper when I go to the bus station.
  7. They will be here in two hours.
  8. He will help you tomorrow.
  9. I will see you tomorrow, please wait for me.
  10. I will go to London next week.
  11. I will be twenty-seven in April.
  12. Will it be windy tomorrow morning?
  13. He will love her forever.
  14. She will cry.
  15. You will miss me in the future.
  16. They will come here tomorrow.
  17. I will miss you when you move to another country.
  18. Mark will fix my car.
  19. Tomorrow, My father will apply for a new job.
  20. I will stay at home at the weekend.
  21. He will call me tomorrow.
  22. We will play basketball.
  23. You’ll feel better with this orange juice.
  24. You will go to France tomorrow.
  25. She will be a successful engineer in 3 years.
  26. Will you come to the party?
  27. When will you travel?
  28. You can’t carry this luggage yourself. I will help you.

Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English

Huge List of English Sentences with Use of “SHALL”

  1. Shall I cook dinner today?
  2. Let’s go by taxi, shall we?
  3. Shall we go out for a walk?
  4. Where shall we eat tonight?
  5. What shall we have for lunch?
  6. Shall I carry your bag for you?
  7. Shall they go now?
  8. Shall we begin now?
  9. He shall be punished.
  10. Shall I call Samuel back?
  11. Shall I drive you home?
  12. Well, what shall we do?
  13. What time shall I come?
  14. Shall I get you a wallet?
  15. Shall we go on vacation next week?
  16. When shall I come for you?
  17. Shall we go to the restaurant?
  18. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
  19. Shall we not go out?
  20. We shall see what we shall see.
  21. The truth shall set you free.
  22. He shall be punished.
  23. Shall I cook dinner for you?
  24. Let’s go early, shall we?
  25. As the tree falls, so shall it lie.
  26. Shall I close the door?
  27. As you sow, so shall you reap.
  28. Shall I get you a bag?
  29. He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned.
  30. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.
  31. The truth shall set you free.
  32. Shall I tell you what I think?
  33. Let’s go early, shall we?
  34. Shall I come next Sunday?
  35. Well, what shall we do?
  36. Shall he not come in?
  37. Shall we not eat dinner here?
  38. When shall we meet again?
  39. What shall I do with it?
  40. Where shall I hang this calendar?
  41. Shall I cook dinner today?
  42. Shall we go now?
  43. Ask and you shall receive.
  44. Shall I ask Peter for help?
  45. Shall I close the window?
  46. Shall we draw you a picture?
  47. What shall we do this evening?
  48. What time shall I call back?
  49. What time shall I pick you up?
  50. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English Modal Verbs: Use of Modal Verbs Will & Shall in English

Related Lessons:

  1. Modal Verbs Shall Example Sentences
  2. Completely Explained Modal Verbs with Examples
  3. Verb Definition, Types, and Helpful Examples in English
  4. Don’t Say VERY and Say These Words
  5. Huge listed Instead of Very