
Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

In this blog post, you’ll learn the rules and examples of direct and indirect speech in English and Urdu. Direct speech quotes the speaker’s exact words, while indirect speech conveys the same idea with slight changes. Understanding both forms will help you master expressing statements, questions, or utterances effectively in different contexts.

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules

Direct Speech: When we report the exact words of the speaker without any change, then this mood of communication is called direct speech.


  • He said, “I am hungry.”

Here the exact words of the speaker are I am hungry and those are repeated without any change.

Indirect Speech: When we do not report the real words of the speaker and change them, this mood of communication is called indirect speech.


  • He said that he was hungry.

Here we changed the real words of the speaker.  I am hungry to He was hungry.

Parts of Direct Speech
Reporting Speech Reported Speech
It contains the words of a speaker, the person who is reporting the message Contains words of a speaker whose message is reported
He said, “I will call you.”
He said = Reporting Speech I will call you = Reported Speech

Direct & Indirect Speech with Urdu Explanation

 inverted commas جب ہم کسی دوسرے شخص کے الفاظ، لفظ بہ لفظ، بغیر کسی ترمیم کے

 کہلاتی ہے۔ Direct Speech بھی کہتے ہیں کے اندر لکھتے ہیں تو یہ Quotation marks انہیں

 کہلاتی ہے۔ Indirect Speech کے لکھیں تو یہ inverted commas اور اگر ہم کسی دوسرے کے الفاظ خود اپنے الفاظ میں بغیر

آئیے اسے ایک مثال سے سمجھتے ہیں۔ احمد نے کہا ، میں بازار جاؤں گا۔ انگریزی میں اگرہم  احمد کے الفاظ میں لکھنا چاہتے ہیں تو ہم  لکھیں گے

  • Ahmed said, “I will go to market.”

 کہتے ہیں یعنی  بولنے والے کے الفاظ دہرا دیے۔  لیکن اگر ہم ان الفاظ کو اپنے الفاظ میں لکھیں تو  اس طرح لکھیں گے Direct Speech اسے ہم

  • Ahmed said that he would go to market.

ہے۔ یہاں ہم نے اپنے الفاظ میں احمد کے کہے ہوئے الفاظ لکھ دیے۔ Indirect Speech یہ

بھی تبدیل کر دیا ۔ tense سے تبدیل کر دیا اور he کو I کیونکہ یہ ہمارے الفاظ ہیں، ہم نے

اس کے بارے میں تفصیل سے آگے چل  کر پڑہیں گے۔

یہ یاد رکھیے گا کہ

صرف  لکھنے میں لگ سکتے ہیں۔ Inverted commas سے ہے۔ written English کا تعلق  Direct and Indirect Speech

Terminology میں استعمال ہونے والی Direct Indirect Speech

  • Ahmed said, “I will go to the market.”.

میں ہے۔ Direct Speech اوپر دیا گیا جملہ

کہلاتا ہے۔ ”reporting clause”پہہلا حصہ جو انڈر لائین ہے

کہلاتا ہے۔ “Reported Clause”کے درمیان ہے inverted commasدوسرا حصہ جو بولڈ ہے اور

بھی کہتے ہیں۔ quoted speech اس کو

   میں تبدیل کریں تو جملہ یوں ہو جائےگا Indirect Speech

  • Ahmed said that he would go to the market.

 “Ahmed Said” کہلاتا ہے۔پہلے حصہ Reported Speech یا Indirect Speech اس حالت میں یہ جملہ

   اور دوسرے حصے reporting clauseکو

کہتے ہیں۔ reported speech کو reported clause یا  “he would go to the market”


Important Words to Change

Direct Indirect
Today That day
Yesterday The day before
Tomorrow Following day
Is, am Was
Was, were Had been
Did Had
Will, shall Would
Can Could
Must Had to
Ago Before
This That
These Those
Last The previous
Are Where
May Might
Now Then
Today That day
It That
next The following

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules and Examples in English & Urdu

The PDF book contains complete notes and explanations of direct & indirect speech with Urdu examples.

Example Sentences of Direct Indirect with Urdu

Direct Speech Indirect speech
She said, “She works in New York Times”. She said that she worked in New York Times.
Jim said, “Bill loves to eat fish”. Jim said that bill loved to eat fish.
He said, “I write a book’’. He said that he wrote a book.
She said, “He goes to school daily”. She said that he went to school daily.
They said, “We love our country”. They said that they loved their country.
Direct speech Indirect speech
He said, “Sun rises in the east”. He said that the sun rises in the east
My teacher said, “Earth revolves around the sun”. My teacher said that Earth revolves around the Sun.
She said, “All that glitters is not gold”. She said that all that glitters is not gold.
Ali said, “Four and four are eight”. Ali said that four and four is eight.
Direct: She said, “I go to school daily”. اس نے کہا، “میں روزانہ اسکول جاتی ہوں”۔
Indirect: He said that she went to school daily. اس نے بتایا کہ وہ روزانہ اسکول جاتی تھی۔
Direct: He said, “He likes computer “. انہوں نے کہا، “وہ کمپیوٹر پسند کرتا ہے “.
Indirect: He said that he liked computer. اس نے کہا کہ اسے کمپیوٹر پسند ہے۔
Direct: He said, “She listens to the music انہوں نے کہا، “وہ موسیقی سنتی ہے “.
Indirect: He said that she listened to the music. انہوں نے کہا کہ وہ موسیقی سنتی ہیں۔
Direct: She said, “I wash my clothes “. اس نے کہا، “میں اپنے کپڑے دھوتی ہوں”۔
Indirect: She said that she washed her clothes. اس نے بتایا کہ اس نے کپڑے دھوئے۔
Direct: I said, “It rains “. میں نے کہا، “بارش ہوتی ہے”۔
Indirect: I said that it rained. میں نے کہا کہ بارش ہوئی۔

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