English Vocabulary

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

This lesson will teach you 100 examples of masculine and feminine nouns in English. You’ll learn masculine and feminine vocabulary words for both animals and humans, making it easier to understand gender-specific terms. This lesson is perfect for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of gender nouns in English.

List Of Masculine and Feminine

Masculine Feminine
Bear She-Bear
Billy-Goat Nanny-Goat
Boar Sow
Buck Doe
Bull Cow
Cat Queen
Cob (Swan) Pen
Cock Hen
Deer Doe
Dog Bitch
Drake Duck
Drone Bee
Fox Vixen

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

Masculine Feminine
Gander Goose
He-Goat She-Goat
Jack (Donkey) Jennet
John (Mule) Molly
Leopard Leopardess
Lion Lioness
Peacock Peahen
Ram Ewe
Stallion (Horse) Mare
Tiger Tigress
Tod (Fox) Vixen
Wolf She-Wolf

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

Masculine Feminine
Actor Actress
Author Authoress
Bachelor Spinster
Bridegroom Bride
Butler Maid
Boy Scout Girl Guide
Duke Duchess
Emperor Empress
Gentleman Lady
God Goddess
Grandfather Grandmother
Grandson Granddaughter

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

Masculine Feminine
Headmaster Headmistress
Heir Heiress
Husband Wife
Hero Heroine
Host Hostess
Instructor Instructress
King Queen
Landlord Landlady
Male Female
Manager Manageress
Master Mistress
Monk Nun

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns

Masculine Feminine
Nephew Niece
Postman Postwoman
Sir Madam
Son Daughter
Steward Stewardess
Uncle Aunt
Waiter Waitress
Widower Widow
Wizard Witch

Masculine and Feminine | 100 Examples of Gender of Nouns