
Use Of Negative Words “No” OR “Not” Explained In Urdu

Use Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In Urdu

Learn about how to use the negative words No or Not in English with Urdu. This lesson will help you to learn and easily understand about what is the use of negative words in English. Every English speaker must need to know how, where, and when we use the English words “No” Or “Not”.

Using Negative Words

The use of No or Not

  1. Do not use two negative words in a clause:
  • No, nobody, nothing cannot be used with not, never, hardly, seldom

کسی فقرے میں دو


الفاظ استعمال نہیں کیئے جاسکتے۔ ایسے فقروں میں

No, nobody, Nothing

کے ساتھ

Not, never, hardly



مت لگائیں۔

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
Nobody could not see me. Nobody could see me.
Nobody never asks me for my opinion. Nobody ever asks me for my opinion.
I checked the essays for mistakes but could not find none. I checked the essays for mistakes but could not find any.



الفاظ کے بعد ہم عام طور پر

Any, anyone, anything

استعمال کرتے ہیں۔

Some, someone, something

لگانے سے احتیاط برتیں۔

Incorrect Sentences Correct Sentences
I had not seen someone for over a week. I had not seen anyone for over a week.
Nobody is doing something to help them. Nobody is doing anything to help them.


  1. As a general rule, use nobody/nothing, etc. With an affirmative verb and with everybody, everything uses a negative verb.

For Example:

Nobody is allowed to wear shoes in the mosque.


ایک مثبت




کے ساتھ


استعمال کیا گیا ہے۔


  1. When a sentence begins with never, hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely, nowhere, no sooner, not only, under no circumstances, the subject and helping verb change places.

اگر کسی فقرے کو

Never, hardly, seldom, rarely scarcely, nowhere, no sooner, not only, under no circumstances

سے شروع کیا جائے تو فاعل اور

Helping Verb

اپنی جگہ بدل لیتے ہیں۔یعنی

Helping verb

پہلے آئے گا اور فاعل بعد میں۔


For Example:

No sooner did we arrive, than it began to rain.

فقرے میں

Helping verb did

پہلے آیا ہے اور فاعل


بعد میں۔


Under no circumstances should you wait any longer.

Helping Verb                         فاعل

  1. The Use of Not and No:

Use Of ‘Not’:

To make a word, expression, or clause negative, we use ‘not’.



  1. Not a surprise, we missed the train. (not, No surprisingly)
  2. The students went on strike, but not the teacher. (no the teacher)
  3. I have not received his answer.

Use Of ‘No’:

No, is used with a noun of the ing form to mean not any or not a / an.


  1. No teacher went on strike. (= There was not any teacher on strike.)
  2. I telephone, but there was no answer. (= There was no answer.)

Use Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In English To UrduUse Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In English To Urdu Use Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In English To Urdu Use Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In English To Urdu

Use Of Negative Words "No" OR "Not" Explained In English To Urdu