English Vocabulary

90 Animal Names That Start with the English Letter A

Animal Names that start with letter A

Listing all the names of animals is pretty hard. That’s why I am sharing the animals’ names that start with the first letter. For example, if an animal name is Ant, it means this animal name is part of the English letter A. Here, I’m going to share with you the 90+ animal names that start with the English letter A. Without further ado, let’s get started with today’s lesson.

Animal Names That Start with the English Letter A

Here’s a list of the 90 animal names that started with the English letter A:

  1. Aardvark
  2. Aardwolf
  3. Abalone
  4. Abyssinian Cat
  5. Acorn Barnacle
  6. Adelie Penguin
  7. Afghan Hound
  8. African Bullfrog
  9. African Bush Elephant
  10. African Civet
  11. African Clawed Frog
  12. African Forest Elephant
  13. African Palm Civet
  14. African Penguin
  15. African Tree Toad
  16. African Wild Dog
  17. Africanized Honey Bee
  18. Airedale Terrier
  19. Akbash
  20. Akita
  21. Alaskan Malamute
  22. Albatross
  23. Aldabra Giant Tortoise
  24. Alligator
  25. Alligator Gar
  26. Alpine Dachsbracke
  27. Amazon River Dolphin
  28. American Alligator
  29. American Alsatian
  30. American Avocet
  31. American Badger
  32. American Bittern
  33. American Bobtail
  34. American Bulldog
  35. American Bullfrog
  36. American Cocker Spaniel
  37. American Coonhound
  38. American Eskimo Dog
  39. American Foxhound
  40. American Hairless Terrier
  41. American Pit Bull Terrier
  42. American Robin
  43. American Staffordshire Terrier
  44. American Toad
  45. American Water Spaniel
  46. Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  47. Angelfish
  48. Angora Rabbit
  49. Anhinga
  50. Anole
  51. Ant
  52. Anteater
  53. Antelope
  54. Antlion
  55. Aoudad
  56. Apatosaurus
  57. Appenzeller Dog
  58. Apple Snail
  59. Arawana
  60. Archerfish
  61. Arctic Fox
  62. Arctic Hare
  63. Arctic Tern
  64. Argentine Dogo
  65. Argentine Horned Frog
  66. Ariegador
  67. Arizona Bark Scorpion
  68. Ark Shell
  69. Armadillo
  70. Army Ant
  71. Arrow Crab
  72. Arrow Squid
  73. AruanĂ£
  74. Asian Elephant
  75. Asian Giant Hornet
  76. Asian Palm Civet
  77. Asian Small-Clawed Otter
  78. Asiatic Black Bear
  79. Asiatic Golden Cat
  80. Ass
  81. Auk
  82. Australian Cattle Dog
  83. Australian Kelpie Dog
  84. Australian Mist
  85. Australian Shepherd
  86. Australian Terrier
  87. Avocet
  88. Axolotl
  89. Aye-Aye
  90. Aztec Ant

Also Learn: Animal Names that Start with English Letter B

Information about Some of the Famous Animals

1. African Bush Elephant:

    • Habitat: African bush elephants inhabit a range of habitats, including savannas, forests, and grasslands in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Countries: Primarily found in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
    • Lifespan: They typically live between 60 and 70 years in the wild, although some individuals have been known to live over 70 years.
    • Read more about: American Bush Elephant

2. Albatross:

    • Habitat: Albatrosses are seabirds that spend most of their lives flying over the open ocean, often nesting on remote islands.
    • Countries: Found in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, with breeding colonies in countries like New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Chile.
    • Lifespan: Albatrosses have a long lifespan, with some species living up to 50 years or more.

3. Arctic Fox:

  • Habitat: Arctic foxes are found in Arctic and tundra regions, preferring coastal areas, cliffs, and open fields for hunting.
  • Countries: It inhabits the Arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia, including countries like Canada, Greenland, Russia, and Norway.
  • Lifespan: Arctic foxes typically live for 3 to 6 years in the wild, though some may live up to 10 years.

4. African Penguin:

  • Habitat: African penguins primarily inhabit coastal areas and islands, favoring rocky shorelines and beaches.
  • Countries: Mainly found in southern African countries such as South Africa and Namibia, with the largest populations on islands like Robben Island and Dyer Island.
  • Lifespan: African penguins have an average lifespan of around 10 to 15 years in the wild, but can live up to 25 years or more in captivity.

5. Alaskan Malamute:

  • Habitat: Alaskan Malamutes were originally bred to haul heavy freight as sled dogs and are well-adapted to cold climates.
  • Countries: They’re associated with Alaska and the United States, but they’re also found in other regions where they’re used for sledding and companionship.
  • Lifespan: Alaskan Malamutes typically live between 10 and 14 years, although some may live longer with proper care and nutrition.
  • Read more about: Alaskan Malamutes

6. Angelfish:

    • Habitat: Angelfish are freshwater fish found in tropical regions, particularly in South America. They inhabit slow-moving rivers and streams with dense vegetation.
    • Countries: Commonly found in countries such as Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela.
    • Lifespan: Angelfish typically live for 8 to 10 years in captivity, but their lifespan in the wild may vary depending on environmental conditions.

7. Antelope:

    • Habitat: Antelopes are herbivorous mammals found in various habitats, including grasslands, savannas, and deserts across Africa and Asia.
    • Countries: Widely distributed in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, India, and Mongolia.
    • Lifespan: The lifespan of antelopes varies by species, but they generally live between 10 and 15 years in the wild, although some species can live longer.
    • Read more about: Antelopes by wikipedia

8. Armadillo:

    • Habitat: Armadillos are burrowing mammals known for their armored shells. They inhabit a range of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and semi-arid regions across the Americas.
    • Countries: Found primarily in countries such as the United States (particularly in Texas), Mexico, and Central and South America.
    • Lifespan: Armadillos have an average lifespan of 4 to 8 years in the wild, although some species may live longer in captivity.

9. Axolotl:

    • Habitat: Axolotls are aquatic salamanders native to Mexico, specifically found in lakes and canals near Mexico City, such as Lake Xochimilco.
    • Countries: Endemic to Mexico, particularly in the region surrounding Mexico City.
    • Lifespan: In the wild, axolotls typically live for around 10 to 15 years, but they can live longer in captivity with proper care.
    • Read more about: Different Types of Axolotl

10. Asian Elephant:

    • Habitat: Asian elephants inhabit a variety of forested habitats, including tropical rainforests, deciduous forests, and grasslands, in countries like India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Indonesia.
    • Countries: Primarily found in South and Southeast Asian countries such as India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.
    • Lifespan: Asian elephants have a lifespan of around 60 to 70 years in the wild, and they can live slightly longer in captivity, up to 80 years or more.

Animal Names That Start with the English Letter A Images

90 Animal Names That Start with the English Letter A

Animal Names that start with letter A

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