Daily Used English To Spanish Sentences | Oraciones en Español
Learn daily used English sentences translated into the Spanish language. As we all know that Spanish is the second most widely spoken language globally in terms of the number of native speakers. In addition, it is the most spoken of the Romance languages and is the third most used on the internet. Like Latin or Greek at the time, English is the universal language of today. It is the default language in international business, tourism, technology, and much more.
According to Ethnologue, English is the largest language in the world for both native and non-native speakers.
Spanish (534 Million Speakers)
Native speakers: 460 million
Non-native speakers: 74 million
In this lesson, we provided daily used English to Spanish sentences. This lesson consists of 100+ English sentences with their translation into the Spanish language. We can these sentences in English and also in Spanish language. This lesson is going to be very helpful for you. Learn this lesson entirely and enhance your knowledge about daily life conversation and communication skills in the Spanish language.
English To Spanish Sentences
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
Can you please repeat that?
¿Puede por favor repetir eso?
You are a glutton.
Eresunaglotona,Eres un glotón
When will you reach?
Call me back.
What’s your name?
The matter is clear.
El asuntoestáclaro.
Be calm!
¡Estate calmado!
I hope you understand.
Go down!
It doesn’t matter.
No importa.
This is not fair.
Esto no esjusto.
It’s for the best.
Es lo mejor.
Are you there?
Do you need anything?
What’s the time by your watch?
¿Qué hora es según tu reloj?
I wish you a happy married life.
Te deseo una feliz vida de casada.
I don’t know about telling a lie.
No sé sobre decir una mentira.
Plucking flowers is prohibited.
We both like each other.
Ambos nosgustamos.
What’s your phone number?
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
A set of books is on the table.
Un juego de libros está sobre la mesa.
What is your contact number?
¿Cual es tu numero de contacto?
What do you want to do?
¿Qué es lo que quieres hacer?
Write with an improved hand.
Escribe con una mano mejorada.
We do not travel first class.
Nosotros no viajamos en primera clase.
It’s up to you.
Tu decides.
The examination will start on Monday.
El examen comenzará el lunes.
India must stop being the follower.
La India debe dejar de ser el seguidor.
Are you coming?
Please be seated.
Por favor tome asiento.
Put the books in order.
Pon los libros en orden.
Don’t move!
¡No temuevas!
This is not a joke.
Esto no es una broma.
English To Spanish Sentences
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
As soon as possible!
¡Lo antes posible!
This is not a joke.
Esto no es una broma.
I don’t want to.
no quiero
I am very pleased to meet you.
Estoy muy contento de conocerte.
Yes, by all means.
Sí, por todos los medios.
Have you wound the watch?
¿Le has dado cuerda al reloj?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Lo siento por los inconvenientes ocasionados.
Let’s catch up!
¡Vamos a ponernos al día!
The terms were finalized.
Los términosfueronfinalizados.
Improve your handwriting.
See you!
I appreciate it.
Lo aprecio.
What did you say?
How much is that?
What can I do for you?
¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?
Do you have some money?
¿Tienesalgo de dinero?
May God bless you!
¡Que Dios tebendiga!
I hate you!
I talked with him.
Hablé con él.
Forget it.
What would you like to have?
Who will co-operate with you?
It was nice to talk with you.
I invited him to tea.
Lo invité a tomar el té.
Many happy returns of the day.
Muchas felices vueltas del día.
Don’t worry!
¡No tepreocupes!
How are things going?
¿Cómo van lascosas?
Let it be!
¡Deja que sea!
Don’t do this.
No hagasesto.
What do we call this in English?
¿Cómo lo llamamos esto en inglés?
Doesn’t matter.
No importa
What is your problem?
I decline that.
Spanish Phrases
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
Allow me to introduce myself.
I will call you later.
Tellamaré mas tarde.
Thank you for inviting us.
Gracias porinvitarnos.
How disgusting!
Please help yourself.
Por favor, ayúdate a timismo.
He looks rather nervous.
Se vebastantenervioso.
I will catch you soon.
Teatraparé pronto.
Do you want to join me?
I hope so.
Which date falls on Sunday?
¿Qué fecha cae en domingo?
Watch out!
I have no idea.
No tengoni idea.
I am feeling tired today.
Hoy me sientocansado.
How dare you?
Why are you upset?
Good day to you, Sir!
¡Buen día para usted señor!
You turn.
What a bother!
We will break but not bend.
Romperemospero no doblaremos.
Have a good trip.
Ten un buenviaje.
This doesn’t behoove you.
Esto no teconviene.
Join me.
Únete a mi.
Do I have to?
Do you speak English?
What nonsense!
Don’t be ridiculous.
No seas ridículo/ridícula
Good heavens!
I got it.
Lo tengo.
Are you kidding?
I dropped in casually.
It’s all yours.
I’m at the office.
Estoy en la oficina.
Daily Used English To Spanish Sentences
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
God bless you!
¡Dios tebendiga!
Whatever he says is not true.
Todo lo que dice no es cierto.
I do not understand.
No entiendo.
I’m sorry!
¡Lo siento!
Read the sentences carefully.
Lea lasoracionescuidadosamente.
Follow me.
His words have weight.
Suspalabrastienen peso.
What are you doing?
Call me any day.
I don’t know.
No sé.
I don’t need your advice.
No necesitotuconsejo.
Thank you for the advice.
Gracias por el consejo.
Do you know what I mean?
¿Sabes lo que quiero decir?
I have a house to live in.
Tengo una casa para vivir.
You are wasting my time.
Me estás haciendo perder el tiempo.
Can I help you?
How old are you?
I’m at home.
Estoy en casa.
Do me a favor.
Hazme un favor.
Get out of my sight.
Apártate de mi vista.
Rest assured!
What do you want from me?
¿Quéquieres de mí?
I feel much better.
Me siento mucho mejor.
Enjoy yourself!
It’s my pleasure.
De nada.
I will try my level best.
Haré mi mejornivel.
I did not understand.
No entendía.
Where are you from?
¿De dóndeeres?
It’s none of your business.
No esasuntotuyo.
I wish you well!
¡Tedeseo lo mejor!
Everything is fine.
Good morning!
¡Buenos dias!
Don’t be so childish.
No seas tan infantil.
English To Spanish Sentences | Oraciones en Español
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
I don’t have a single paisa.
No tengo un solo paisa.
That’s so kind of you.
Es muy amable por tu parte.
I beg your pardon.
Le ruego me disculpe.
How disgraceful!
He had no money.
No teníadinero.
Would you please speak slowly?
Rod is the logic of fools.
Rod es la lógica de los tontos/tontas
A crease is formed on the cloth.
Se forma un pliegue en la tela.
You are my responsibility.
eres mi responsabilidad
I missed my school bus.
Perdí mi autobús escolar.
My room is on the second floor.
Mi habitación está en el segundo piso.
I apologize for being late.
Me disculpo por llegar tarde.
Come on!
I will come again.
Vendré de nuevo.
I decline!
The soil of that place is fertile.
El suelo de ese lugar es fértil.
Well done, dear!
Bien hechoquerido/querida
No, I don’t want it.
No, no lo quiero.
Excuse me!
Where are you?
Will you please help me with this?
¿Me ayudarías con esto?
How can I go to the town center?
¿Cómo puedo ir al centro de la ciudad?
Who is your favorite teacher?
¿Quién es tu profesor favorito?
The holidays will begin on 10th May.
Las vacaciones comenzarán el 10 de mayo.
Are you joining us?
¿Teunes a nosotros?
It really takes time.
Slow down your car.
Reduzca la velocidad de su coche.
I’m sorry.
Lo siento.
Did you get it?
¿Lo obtuviste?
Good night!
Have a nice day.
Que tengas un lindo día.
Believe me.
Go up!
English To Spanish Sentences
English Sentences
Spanish Sentences
What are you doing today?
¿Quéharás hoy?
Don’t involve me in this matter.
No me involucres en este asunto.
I’m on a diet.
estoy a dieta
He tells a lie.
Dice unamentira.
Let’s do it.
Vamos a hacerlo.
By God’s Grace!
¡Por la gracia de Dios!
I am tired.
See you next time!
¡Hasta la próxima!
I knew it.
Lo sabía.
I shall reach by the 5.30 train.
Llegaré en el tren de las 5:30.
Do you agree with me?
¿Estas de acuerdoconmigo?
But he did not budge an inch.
Pero no se movió ni un centímetro.
As you please.
Lo quequieras.
Can I ask you something?
I don’t eat nonveg on Tuesday.
No como no vegetariano los martes.
He has a nasal accent.
Tieneacento nasal.
Do you understand me?
¿Me entiendes?
By whom is he being treated?
¿Por quién está siendo tratado?
Cheer up!
It is a matter of sorrow.
Es una cuestión de tristeza.
Why are you late?
The is fit for marriage.
El es apto para el matrimonio.
Kneel and give thanks to God.
Arrodillarse y dar gracias a Dios.
What do you mean?
I can’t believe it.
no puedocreerlo
You have no match.
No tienespartido.
What is happening here?
I’m sorry I can’t assist you.
Siento no poderayudarte.
What’s your e-mail address?
¿Cuál es tu dirección de correo electrónico?
That/He is against me.
Eso/Él está en mi contra.
It’s very thoughtful of you.
Es muy amable de tu parte.
I have completed my homework.
He completado mi tarea.
Are you coming with me?
Daily Used English To Spanish Sentences | Oraciones en Español