In this lesson, you’ll explore 700+ commonly used describing words with useful examples. Descriptive words are essential in English writing and speaking to express thoughts clearly and vividly. Whether you’re describing people, places, emotions, or objects, these words will help you communicate more effectively.
Types of Describing Words
There are two main types of descriptive words. Adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives are extremely important and useful in the English language. Gerunds, verbs, and nouns can also be used as descriptive words.
Describing Words From A To Z
Here’s the list of comprehensive examples of the different types of descriptive words:
Descriptive Words that Start with A
- Abandoned
- Abnormal
- Abundant
- Abusive
- Academic
- Acceptable
- Accomplished
- Achy
- Active
- Adaptable
- Adorable
- Adventurous
- Affordable
- Alert
- Ambitious
- Amused
- Arrogant
Descriptive Words that Start with B
- Babyish
- Baffling
- Baggy
- Balanced
- Basic
- Beaming
- Beautified
- Beneficial
- Bewildered
- Blue-Eyed
- Blushing
- Boisterous
- Bookish
- Brainy
- Brash
- Brilliant
- Brittle
Descriptive Words that Start with C
- Calculating
- Calm
- Captivating
- Carefree
- Casual
- Cautious
- Cerulean
- Charismatic
- Charming
- Cheerful
- Clever
- Combative
- Comfortable
- Courageous
- Creative
- Crisp
- Cyan
Descriptive Words that Start with D
- Damaged
- Dangerous
- Dark
- Decent
- Deep
- Defeated
- Delicious
- Delighted
- Deluxe
- Depressed
- Determined
- Different
- Discreet
- Diverse
- Divine
- Dominant
- Dynamic
Descriptive Words that Start with E
- Eager
- Earthly
- Easy-Going
- Efficacious
- Effortless
- Elegant
- Emotional
- Empty
- Enchanting
- Enraged
- Enthusiastic
- Equable
- Evanescent
- Exciting
- Exemplary
- Exuberant
- Eye-catching
Descriptive Words that Start with F
- Fabulous
- Factual
- Faithful
- Fake
- Famous
- Fancy
- Fascinating
- Fashionable
- Fearless
- Feisty
- Fierce
- Fine
- Flawless
- Flustered
- Foreign
- Free
- Frightened
Descriptive Words that Start with G
- Gaping
- Generic
- Generous
- Gentle
- Giant
- Gifted
- Glamorous
- Gleaming
- Gloomy
- Glowing
- Glum
- Goal-oriented
- Good-looking
- Graceful
- Grieving
- Grumpy
- Guarded
Descriptive Words that Start with H
- Handed
- Handsome
- Harmful
- Harmonious
- Hasty
- Hated
- Hazel
- Headstrong
- Healthy
- Heavenly
- Helpful
- Heroic
- Hideous
- High-spirited
- Hilarious
- Homely
- Humongous
Descriptive Words that Start with I
- Iconic
- Icy
- Ideal
- Idealistic
- Idolized
- Illegal
- Immortal
- Immune
- Impervious
- Impossible
- Improper
- Inclined
- Inexpensive
- Inquisitive
- Intense
- Intriguing
- Introverted
Descriptive Words that Start with J
- Jaded
- Jagged
- Jam-packed
- Jangling
- Jarring
- Jaunty
- Jealous
- Jeering
- Jesting
- Jeweled
- Jittery
- Jolly
- Joyful
- Joyous
- Jubilant
- Jumpy
- Juvenile
Descriptive Words that Start with K
- Kaleidoscopic
- Kaput
- Keeled
- Keen
- Keyless
- Kind
- Kindhearted
- Kindly
- Kindred
- Kinetic
- Kingly
- Kissable
- Klutzy
- Knockout
- Knotted
- Knowledgeable
- Known
Descriptive Words that Start with L
- Ladylike
- Lame
- Lanky
- Lawful
- Lazy
- Legendary
- Lesser
- Liberated
- Licit
- Lively
- Livid
- Lonely
- Loud
- Lovable
- Lucky
- Luxurious
- Lyrical
Descriptive Words that Start with M
- Macabre
- Machiavellian
- Mad
- Magical
- Magnanimous
- Maladapted
- Malefic
- Malleable
- Marvelous
- Memorable
- Mindful
- Modern
- Motionless
- Motivated
- Motivational
- Musical
- Mysterious
Descriptive Words that Start with N
- Naive
- Narcissistic
- Narrow
- Nasty
- Native
- Natural
- Naughty
- Nauseated
- Nauseating
- Nauseous
- Neat
- Necessary
- Needed
- Needy
- Nervous
- New
- Nice
Descriptive Words that Start with O
- Obedient
- Obnoxious
- Obscure
- Observant
- Odd
- Odorous
- Official
- Old-fashioned
- Openhearted
- Open-minded
- Original
- Outgoing
- Out-of-this-world
- Outrageous
- Overjoyed
- Overprotective
- Overthinker
Descriptive Words that Start with P
- Panicky
- Participant
- Passionate
- Patient
- Peaceful
- Perceptive
- Perfect
- Persistent
- Personable
- Petty
- Placid
- Playful
- Powerful
- Precious
- Pretty
- Professional
- Proud
Descriptive Words that Start with Q
- Quaint
- Qualified
- Quality
- Quarrelsome
- Queasy
- Queer
- Quenched
- Querulous
- Questionable
- Questioning
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quirky
- Quiver
- Quixotic
- Quotable
Descriptive Words that Start with R
- Rabid
- Racy
- Radiant
- Radical
- Radioactive
- Rakish
- Rampant
- Rare
- Raspy
- Rational
- Reachable
- Real
- Relieved
- Repulsive
- Respectable
- Responsible
- Romantic
Descriptive Words that Start with S
- Sad
- Safe
- Salty
- Sanctimonious
- Sanguine
- Sarcastic
- Sassy
- Scented
- Scintillating
- Sedentary
- Self-assertive
- Selfless
- Sensitive
- Silky
- Sparkling
- Splendid
- Strange
Descriptive Words that Start with T
- Talented
- Talkative
- Tall
- Tantalizing
- Tasteful
- Tasty
- Tempting
- Tenacious
- Tender
- Terrible
- Thankful
- Thoughtless
- Tinted
- Tolerant
- Tremendous
- Trustful
- Trustworthy
Descriptive Words that Start with U
- Uber
- Ugly
- Ulterior
- Ultimate
- Unaffected
- Unbelievable
- Unbroken
- Uninterested
- Universal
- Unlucky
- Unpleasant
- Unused
- Unusual
- Up-front
- Uptight
- Useful
- Utter
Descriptive Words that Start with V
- Vainglorious
- Valiant
- Valid
- Validatory
- Valorous
- Valuable
- Vast
- Vaulting
- Versatile
- Vibrant
- Victorious
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vivacious
- Vivid
- Vociferous
Descriptive Words that Start with W
- Wacky
- Wanted
- Warm
- Warmhearted
- Wasteful
- Weak
- Wealthy
- Well-behaved
- Whole
- Wicked
- Wide-awake
- Wild
- Witty
- Wordy
- Worrisome
- Worshipful
- Wrong
Descriptive Words that Start with X
- Xanthospermous
- Xanthous
- Xebec
- Xeme
- Xenial
- Xenodochial
- Xenogeneic
- Xeric
- Xerothermic
- Xylographic
- Xystus
Descriptive Words that Start with Y
- Yappy
- Yawning
- Yearly
- Yeasty
- Yellow
- Yellowish
- Yarn
- Yiddish
- Yodelling
- Young
- Young-at-heart
- Youthful
- Yummy
Descriptive Words that Start with Z
- Zaftig
- Zany
- Zazzy
- Zealand
- Zealful
- Zealous
- Zenithal
- Zestful
- Zesty
- Zigzag
- Zingy
- Zionist
- Zippy
- Zoological
- Zootrophic
- Zymotic
Descriptive Words Infographic
List of Descriptive Words
Descriptive Adjectives
Here is a comprehensive list of descriptive adjectives.
- abandoned
- able
- academic
- active
- admirable
- adorable
- adventurous
- acclaimed
- accomplished
- acrobatic
- afraid
- aggressive
- agile
- alarmed
- ample
- amused
- ancient
- angelic
- angry
- babyish
- bad
- baggy
- beloved
- bewitched
- bitter
- blank
- bleak
- blind
- boring
- bouncy
- brave
- bright
- brilliant
- buoyant
- burly
- busy
- buttery
- buzzing
- calm
- carefree
- careful
- cautious
- cavernous
- chubby
- classic
- clean
- clear
- clever
- cloudy
- cluttered
- coarse
- clumsy
- cold
- colorful
- comfortable
- common
- composed
- concerned
- conventional
- crowded
- cuddly
- curly
- damaged
- dangerous
- dark
- dazzling
- dear
- decent
- deep
- defiant
- delicious
- delirious
- demanding
- dense
- devoted
- dim
- dirty
- disfigured
- early
- easy
- audible
- elastic
- elderly
- electric
- elementary
- embellished
- emotional
- empty
- enchanted
- energetic
- ethical
- euphoric
- everlasting
- evil
- exotic
- fashionable
- faithful
- famous
- fancy
- fatal
- fearful
- female
- filthy
- firm
- flat
- flawed
- flustered
- focused
- foolhardy
- gregarious
- grim
- handsome
- handy
- intelligent
- intrepid
- joyful
- jubilant
- keen
- kooky
- lanky
- lazy
- limp
- luxurious
- mediocre
- mellow
- miserable
- nocturnal
- naive
- nasty
- nautical
- neat
- needy
- negative
- nervous
- nice
- organic
- ornate
- ordinary
- powerless
- practical
- precious
- puzzled
- questionable
- quirky
- ragged
- rapid
- ready
- recent
- red
- regal
- reliable
- sad
- sandy
- sane
- scarce
- scented
- scornful
- secret
- selfish
Descriptive Adverbs
Now we have a list of adverbs:
- accidentally
- awkwardly
- always
- anxiously
- angrily
- apathetically
- amusingly
- assertively
- badly
- blindly
- boastfully
- boldly
- bravely
- brightly
- begrudgingly
- blissfully
- cheerfully
- coyly
- cooly
- crazily
- defiantly
- deftly
- deliberately
- devotedly
- doubtfully
- dramatically
- dutifully
- eagerly
- elegantly
- enormously
- evenly
- eventually
- exactly
- faithfully
- finally
- foolishly
- faintly
- frequently
- frivolously
- gleefully
- gracefully
- greedily
- happily
- hastily
- honestly
- hopelessly
- hourly
- hungrily
- innocently
- inquisitively
- irritably
- intelligently
- jealously
- justly
- kindly
- lazily
- loosely
- madly
- merrily
- mortally
- mysteriously
- meagerly
- methodically
- neglectfully
- nervously
- never
- normally
- obediently
- obnoxiously
- occasionally
- often
- only
- perfectly
- politely
- poorly
- powerfully
- promptly
- pointlessly
- quickly
- rapidly
- rarely
- regularly
- rashly
- rudely
- safely
- seldom
- selfishly
- seriously
- shakily
- sharply
- silently
- slowly
- solemnly
- sometimes
- speedily
- sternly
- tactfully
- tragically
- technically
- tediously
- unexpectedly
- usually
- vacantly
- victoriously
- vivaciously
- vividly
- warmly
- wearily
- weekly
- wildly
- weirdly
- yearly
- youthfully
- zealously
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