Example Sentences

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

In this article, you’ll find 100 example sentences of future perfect continuous tense that will help you understand how this tense is used in everyday English. These examples are mixed with positive, negative, and interrogative sentences for better understanding.

What is the Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is used to show that an action will have been happening for a period of time at a specific point in the future. It emphasizes both the duration of an action and its completion at that future time.

Read more about: Future Perfect Continuous

Structures of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Here are the structures of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense for each context, along with short descriptions and examples:

1. Affirmative Structure (Positive Sentences)

This structure is used to describe an ongoing action that will have been happening up to a certain point in the future.


  • Subject + will have been + verb (ing) + object + time reference


  • By next year, they will have been studying English for three years.

2. Negative Structure

This structure is used to express that an ongoing action will not have been happening up to a specific point in the future.


  • Subject + will not have been + verb (ing) + object + time reference


  • He will not have been working at the company for a decade by the end of this month.

3. Interrogative Structure (Questions)

This structure is used to ask whether an ongoing action will have been happening up to a certain point in the future.


  • Will + subject + have been + verb (ing) + object + time reference?


  • Will she have been practicing the piano for two hours by the time we arrive?

4. Affirmative Interrogative (Yes/No Questions)

This is a simple yes/no question asking if an action will have been happening at a future point.


  • Will + subject + have been + verb (ing)?


  • Will you have been teaching at this school for five years by June?

5. Negative Interrogative Structure

This structure is used to ask a question with a negative meaning, wondering if an action will not have been happening by a future point.


  • Will + subject + not have been + verb (ing)?
  • Won’t + subject + have been + verb (ing)? (Contracted form)


  • Will they not have been running the marathon for more than five hours by then?
  • Won’t they have been driving for eight hours by the time they reach the city?

6. Wh-Questions Structure

Used to ask detailed questions about the duration or reason for an action that will have been happening by a certain time in the future.


  • Wh- question word + will + subject + have been + verb (ing) + object + time reference?


  • How long will you have been working on this project by the end of the year?
  • What will you have been doing by the time we meet tomorrow?

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  • By next year, they will have been studying English for three years.
  • He will not have been working at the company for more than a decade by the end of this month.
  • Will she have been practicing the piano for two hours by the time we arrive?
  • By tomorrow, I will have been writing my book for six months.
  • We will have been living in this house for ten years by 2025.
  • Will you have been teaching at this school for five years by June?
  • The children will have been playing outside for hours by the time it gets dark.
  • By the time the bus arrives, she will have been waiting at the stop for an hour.
  • They will not have been running the marathon for more than five hours by then.
  • Will they have been driving for eight hours by the time they reach the city?
  • By next month, I will have been working on this project for a year.
  • He will not have been managing the team for long by the time you meet him.
  • Will we have been developing the software for a full year by December?
  • She will have been designing the new product line for six months by the time it’s launched.
  • They will not have been building the bridge for more than a few weeks before the inspection.
  • Will he have been preparing the presentation for an hour by the time the meeting starts?
  • By the end of this year, she will have been leading the company for five years.
  • I will have been organizing the event for several months by next summer.
  • Will you have been running your own business for two years by the end of the year?
  • We will not have been handling the new clients for long when you visit.
  • By this evening, I will have been cooking dinner for two hours.
  • He will not have been jogging in the park for a full hour by then.
  • Will they have been cleaning the house for a long time when we arrive?
  • By the end of the day, she will have been reading the book for five hours straight.
  • We will have been walking around the park for an hour by the time the sun sets.

Read more about:ย Future Perfect Tense Rules with Examples

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous

  • Will she have been exercising for 30 minutes before breakfast tomorrow?
  • By the time you wake up, I will have been working on my assignment for a while.
  • They will not have been waiting in line for too long by the time we get there.
  • Will he have been ironing the clothes for a long time when you call him?
  • She will have been gardening for most of the day by evening.
  • By the time the concert starts, we will have been sitting here for an hour.
  • Will you have been studying for your exam for several days by the weekend?
  • He will not have been packing for the trip long when you see him.
  • By next week, they will have been planning their vacation for months.
  • We will not have been traveling for a full day before we reach the hotel.
  • Will they have been rehearsing the play for a few weeks before the performance?
  • By tomorrow, I will have been saving money for a year to buy a car.
  • He will have been organizing the charity event for three months by June.
  • Will she have been preparing the food for the party all day by the time guests arrive?
  • They will not have been discussing the proposal for long when we meet them.
  • By the time the new year begins, we will have been saving for our new house for two years.
  • Will they have been restoring the old building for months before it opens?
  • She will not have been writing her thesis for a year by the end of this term.
  • By the time you finish your degree, I will have been teaching for a decade.
  • We will have been working on this campaign for a few months by the time it’s launched.
  • Will you have been preparing for the marathon for months by next spring?
  • They will not have been negotiating the deal for too long when the meeting ends.
  • By the end of this year, he will have been learning French for three years.
  • She will have been practicing yoga every morning for six months by the end of summer.
  • Will he have been working on the novel for a year by the time it is published?

Read more about: Past Continuous Example Sentences

Examples of Future Perfect Continuous

  • By next week, I will have been studying for the exam for three months.
  • He will not have been learning Spanish for long when you meet him.
  • Will they have been practicing the new language for a year by then?
  • By the end of the semester, she will have been attending classes for six months.
  • We will not have been preparing for the test for a long time before it starts.
  • Will you have been researching for your thesis for several months by the submission date?
  • By the time you visit, I will have been improving my English for a year.
  • They will have been reading historical books for many years by the time they finish.
  • Will she have been studying medicine for five years when she graduates?
  • He will not have been learning to play the guitar for long before the concert.
  • By the time we reach Paris, we will have been traveling for over 10 hours.
  • Will you have been visiting new cities for weeks by the time your trip ends?
  • She will not have been exploring the jungle for long when we arrive.
  • By next summer, they will have been traveling across Europe for six months.
  • We will have been hiking for several hours by the time we reach the peak.
  • Will they have been flying to different countries for their work by then?
  • He will not have been riding his bike for a long time when we see him.
  • By tomorrow, we will have been staying at this hotel for a week.
  • Will they have been camping in the mountains for three days by the time we join them?
  • She will not have been sailing for long when we reach the harbor.
  • By the time you finish, I will have been building my career for a decade.
  • Will he have been managing the team for long by the time of the review?
  • She will not have been working on this assignment for much longer when the deadline arrives.
  • By next year, they will have been leading the project for two years.
  • We will have been collaborating on this task for several months by the time it’s done.

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

25 Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Will they have been negotiating the contract for long before the agreement is signed?
  • By the time the promotion is announced, he will have been contributing to the company for five years.
  • She will not have been designing the website for much longer when we check.
  • Will you have been handling this project for a while by the end of this month?
  • They will have been producing the new line of products for a year by the time it launches.
  • By my next birthday, I will have been saving for a new car for two years.
  • Will they have been achieving their fitness goals by the end of the year?
  • He will not have been working out consistently for long when I see him.
  • By tomorrow, I will have been eating healthy for six months.
  • They will have been practicing for the championship for over a year by next season.
  • Will you have been accomplishing your life goals by the time you reach 30?
  • She will not have been running for a long time when I meet her.
  • By next month, I will have been following my diet plan for a year.
  • Will he have been training for the marathon for months by next spring?
  • We will not have been completing all the tasks on time when we check in.
  • By the time the movie ends, we will have been watching it for two hours.
  • Will she have been cooking for the family all morning by then?
  • He will not have been driving for too long by the time he reaches the office.
  • By the time you call, I will have been cleaning the house for hours.
  • They will have been listening to music for a while by the time we join them.
  • Will you have been walking the dog for long by the time we meet?
  • She will not have been knitting the sweater for much longer when you visit.
  • By next month, we will have been maintaining the garden for a full year.
  • Will they have been taking care of the baby for long when we see them?
  • He will not have been fixing the car for much longer when we check in.

Example Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

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